Example sentences of "[subord] i would [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Head of Department : ‘ In 1976 I had a clear idea where I would like to be going :
2 Although I would love to be able to take regular trips to the countryside , I am often unable to indulge myself in this luxury and so instead I choose to walk and cycle through Richmond Park in London .
3 The Turbo Ninety has been out since October 1986 and is available on the secondhand market , so I would go for one of those If you do buy a Turbo Landy then check its service history as neglected oil changes in early life will show up later on
4 That 's including Chippingfield if you had seen it as we saw it when we came here you would recognise how much work has gone into building the town because I was on the the council then I was asked if I would stand for the council which was then only a parish council there was no urban district council that was n't formed for four or five years afterwards and of course , we had to fight for lights everything that , er that we needed we had to fight for because there was no lighting on Netteswell Road where our children were going to school , and there were little ones .
5 She came to me one day and asked me if I would stand for the council , which I did .
6 While he was in opposition , Ted Heath had asked me if I would go to Rhodesia on behalf of the Conservative Party if they were returned to power .
7 I du n no if I would go to one now .
8 I also told them about the financial statement we had issued and afterwards received a letter asking if I would send on a financial statement , which I did " .
9 She asked me if I would speak to the police for her .
10 He said that if I had the time and the inclination he would be grateful if I would sort through the material , put the scores in chronological order to one side and throw out ‘ the rubbish ’ .
11 On the third day , I was marched before a prison officer , who perfunctorily asked me my name and address , and if I would confess to where I had concealed the body of Victor Frankenstein .
12 Shortly after volunteering my services contacted me to see if I would act as supporter for who had recently had a little girl called .
13 They asked if I would like to be gallery secretary .
14 The landlady was going out to see the workers among her hay some miles down the glen ; her man-servant ( the Hermit of Glencoe ) drove , and she asked if I would come with them as far as they went .
15 Moments before the Prime Minister presented me with the trophy , I was asked if I would pose in the sea for a tourism promotion picture .
16 If I failed to do so , he would become exasperated and start shouting at me , telling me how stupid I was ; whereupon I would dissolve into tears and rush out of the room .
17 I could not face the prospect of spending a long holiday in Weymouth , because I would argue with my sister , and it rains too much in Weymouth .
18 Dana was always balanced between the two , whereas I would fluctuate for long periods — a year or two in the male , a year or two in the female scale , with often sharp and distressing adjustments of behaviour and character .
19 While I would insist on the centrality of Noel Coward 's sexuality to the patterns of meanings that I see in Brief Encounter , I would not wish for one second to hold him up as any kind of gay martyr .
20 Ian Mikardo approached me to see whether I would assist in raising funds to establish a scholarship at Haifa University in honour of the ( then ) late Dick Crossman , who had indeed been a man of the most friendly associations .
21 Never ! 'Cos I would die of shame if I retaliated and hit back ; and I would , because I 've levelled men almost as big as you before today , and you know it . ’
22 On getting there I calculated when I would arrive at the next post , where I promised myself lunch .
23 I found cranking the boat over on its side did not help to turn it ( in the opposite direction ) as much as I would expect in a sea kayak .
24 For these technical reasons , the Audio Visual machine is much more advanced , and would not have to upgraded within a relatively short time , as I would fear with the 3M machine .
25 And so it seems to me that erm we must look to you sir and Miss Whittaker to say what you feel as er independent erm hearkeners to the debate er we it 's time as I would say for erm North Yorkshire now to face up to what 's going on in its own territory and remove the planning obstacles to what is actually happening and just to make sure that it 's safely tied up with criteria to make sure it does n't erm erm unhappy consequences instead of the happy consequences that we are trying to achieve .
26 Not as much as I would like to be , however , as the night class I joined in September 1991 did not have enough support to run again at the beginning of this year .
27 Q I would like to invest in a gravel cleaner that removes detritus without syphoning off water , as I would like to be able to clean the gravel in between regular changes .
28 He never did this , he never did that , I do n't think we can take action , dearly as I would like to ’ — that 's a negative evaluation .
29 I like to treat people as I would like to be treated by them , as a citizen . ’
30 Now I find that in entertaining three people I can not quite devote as much time to the two ladies as I would like to , perhaps you could assist me . "
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