Example sentences of "[subord] i will [vb infin] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 As Britain 's only national pop music station at present , Radio 1 is most likely to interest aspiring rock and pop musicians , so I will explain its workings and policies in some detail ( although much of what is said about Radio 1 will also be applicable to Radio 2 ) .
2 I find it difficult to put my thoughts and feelings about this into words , so I will leave it to others .
3 ‘ Now dear , we do n't have a gaff or net , so I will show you how to tail a salmon , ’ he said , unctuously .
4 ’ … and , so I will enjoy her this night before explaining her position to her in the morning .
5 Wo n't you please bring a bit of comfort and cheerfulness into my life " Well , " said the Dawn Maiden , " for three days you have spared my fishes , so I will help you .
6 To attempt to summarise the cookery of the Far East in two or three paragraphs would be impossible , so I will limit myself to a brief description of some of the more readily available Oriental foods , and an Eastern style recipe for the buffet table which is always very popular in my catering business .
7 These stories occur world wide , so I will limit myself to two which are told of sites on the Yorkshire Wolds only a few miles from where I live .
8 The weather is getting colder so I will appreciate it a great deal .
9 If they say black cards you say ‘ Good , so I will keep them and take the red cards away ’ .
10 She 's very warm and has no sense of ‘ I 'm a princess so I will keep my distance from you ’ .
11 On page 48 , Jim Levi profiles the man who will occupy one of the hottest seats in British banking , so I will confine myself to a few points .
12 I must go to London , for I brought very little gear with me , so I will see him then . ’
13 ‘ I have to decide first if I will have her !
14 I do n't know if they will make it but , either way , I doubt if I will see him again .
15 But I do not know if I will take it . ’
16 cos I will make it up by Christmas .
17 I put it , put it aside cos I will use it one day .
18 No cos I will help you .
19 I mean you 'll find that my home number 's on here and tha because I will advise you from home during the week , I 'm quite happy for
20 ‘ Your contract will end , because I will buy it . ’
21 While I will grant you that it beats filing for the Inland Revenue , it is a suitcase existence and no matter how glamorous the location of the meeting we very rarely see beyond the airport , the hotel and the stadium .
22 He 's wasted on you , while I will treasure him . ’
23 Tomorrow or the day after I will send you the merchandise [ that was the way Modi always referred to his paintings ] .
24 Christ knows if and when I will see them again . ’
25 ‘ I 'm asking you to marry me , be my wife … fill all the empty places in my life , as I will do my utmost to fill all those in yours . ’
26 Significantly , while the particular rules of what counts as a reason ( substantive rationality ) vary across disciplines , the rules of procedural rationality ( as I will call it ) are more or less universal across disciplines .
27 If I find out different , I 'll kill you , as I will kill him ! ’
28 Arise , lift up the lad … for I will make him a great nation . ’
29 For I will have you to wife , or not at all . ’
30 And they shall no longer each man teach his neighbour and his brother Saying ‘ Know the Lord ’ , For they shall all know me , from the least to the greatest , says the Lord ; For I will forgive their iniquity , and I will remember their sin no more .
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