Example sentences of "[subord] i [vb mod] [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 I did not want to go into the dark house , where I would spend the evening quietly with old Mrs Fairfax .
2 I realised my elbow was throbbing painfully where I 'd hit the stone floor .
3 I sit on the wooden floor for a moment to gather my strength , also to decide exactly where I should take the relics to dispose of them .
4 At that time I believed that the United Kingdom would be facing severe economic problems in the future , and I decided that I wanted to work somewhere where I could serve the community , and make a contribution to the resolution of those problems .
5 I did n't care if it was raw , if the pangs of birth were ugly ; I wanted to be somewhere I would n't be defined by what I 'd been , where I could fashion a new notion of myself and impose it on others as the truth .
6 ‘ I wanted him where I could keep an eye on him , ’ said Mr Malik through his hands .
7 Also , there was a pleasant inn about a quarter of a mile away where I could get a room if the tide — in the way of tides — served at some merciless hour of the early morning .
8 Anyway the second school favoured scarlet cross-overs , the lady in charge directing me to a local wool shop where I could buy the yarn and a ( hand knitting ) pattern .
9 I was told by the FO in London that I would be met at Johannesburg airport — since British aircraft could not land in Rhodesia while UDI existed — and would be conveyed to the British Consulate there where I could have a rest .
10 I waited a minute or so then got up , leaving my almost clean plate , and went through the house to the lounge , where I could see the path leading away through the dunes towards the bridge .
11 I have come across the meadows to the place beneath the willows , where I will find the brook .
12 I will be visiting Community and Recreational Arts in Barnet in March , where I will have the pleasure of attending the official opening of the Tedder lounge , which has been extended to include a wheelchair accessible art room .
13 For my own part , having a little woodland garden , this is one of the two plants which I am forever poking in where I can find a place for another .
14 ‘ I wonder if you might tell us of a local hostelry where I can purchase a good dinner ?
15 Except I would say the winders are worse off cos they 're doing three shifts .
16 In the end I agreed to do this but I remember leaving the meeting literally , I am afraid , in tears and saying that although I would obey the majority I would resign from the Government afterwards as quietly as I could because I should have failed to uphold an almost lifelong conviction …
17 Conceivably ( although I would reserve the point ) in an extreme case the court might have to decline to try the issues .
18 ‘ Any sponsor would have to realise that although I might lose an occasional race when I could have won , I am able to run far more races and to winy many , only because I do n't put myself under any pressure by expecting or even wanting to win .
19 I still did n't realise what the trouble might be , although I dare say the germ of cancer may have nestled for the first time in my mind .
20 ( Although I shall have no shame in highlighting some of the best brews from down south in future . )
21 Although I used to enjoy a drink , I started really drinking heavily after he died .
22 A crowd walking eight abreast can trample a good-size swathe through a hay meadow and single file just makes common sense , although I must admit the signs did seem to be something of an overkill .
23 We all do that , although I must admit the TARDIS gives me a wider range of opportunities than most people have .
24 These three features also appear to distinguish it from classical criminology ( although I will reconsider the distinction later ) .
25 Although I will skipper the boat , we decided to do this together and we will continue to make communal decisions , ’ said von Koskull .
26 So although I 'd assume a potential audience of mainly women who 'd be interested in this topic , the programme actually distanced that audience by addressing a hypothetical man who 'd think it rather ‘ odd ’ to select women candidates at all .
27 I explained to her that , although I could make no promises , since she now felt much more confident about the technique it was quite possible that this session would reveal the cause of her phobia .
28 I do not have the figure to hand , although I can assure the hon. Gentleman that it is a great many more than in 1979 .
29 With regard to the vote in the House of Commons on the proposed European committee of the regions , although I can have no sympathy for anyone who votes with the Tory Government I can understand the SNP 's attempts at embracing reality and moving towards the concept of Europe of the regions .
30 I never actually experienced the drama of dealing with any lack of moral fibre ( LMF ) cases , although I can imagine the difficulty faced by a CO who is trying to run a squadron in wartime if suddenly he was confronted with a case of LMF .
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