Example sentences of "[subord] i [vb past] [be] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 I stared into the mirror , expecting to see huge marks like red flowers blazing on my mouth where I had been kissed , but I looked just the same as I always did .
2 My heart cried out to it , but when I approached it , it summoned up the last dregs of its strength and paddled frantically away to the middle of the lake , where I had been instructed never to go .
3 In consulted the ladies again , and was told that these nightmares were caused by an incarnation in Ancient Greece where I had been sacrificed to the Sun God .
4 I made my way to a cottage near the church , where I had been told I could expect a night 's lodging .
5 It was getting dark and the wind had freshened , the rain gusting through the length of the shed so I decided that it was time to pack up and head for the nearest hospitable pub where I had been told I would be able to get a good meal of hot pie and peas .
6 In 1980 , coming back from a hospital in the States where I had been told that I ought to have an operation ( interestingly on my throat — it was as though all the tension caused by what I could not say was caught up there ) , I saw that I had to be free of this .
7 Although I had been informed that the present French artists were low in merit , I did not expect to find them , with little exception , so totally devoid of it .
8 I 'd finished my foundation year earlier that summer and , although I 'd been offered a fulltime place — and grant — to do my Fine Art degree in painting , I blew it out .
9 So , of course , it was worth considerably more than I 'd been offered , and there were the most unpleasant suggestions flying around .
10 I had not realised that it was even more complicated than I had been led to believe originally .
11 M. A. Boscq , Ingenieur-General , Ministere de l'Agriculture Services Regionaux at Lempdes ensured that more information than I required was made available to me ; M.Jean Leblanc of his staff went to considerable lengths to both provide and help interpret various policy papers and reams of data .
12 Murder was habit-forming , so I 'd been told .
13 If I 'd been seen popping in and out of Ramillies Drive , tongues would inevitably have begun to wag .
14 Instinctively , I reacted as if I 'd been hit .
15 I mean , even if there had been some war I did believe worth fighting , if I 'd been called up or something , I 'm a coward , I 'm just not physically capable .
16 I popped in to see what the form was , and to find out if I 'd been fired as a house-sitter .
17 By then large drops were falling all around me , another landing on my wig and one splashing on my shoulder , making me jump as if I 'd been prodded with a therm-knife .
18 It would have worked too , if I 'd been supported . ’
19 I would have thought how stupid it was if I 'd been made do it .
20 I 've often puzzled over whether , if I 'd been given guidance , would I have chosen differently ?
21 I do n't think I could have handled it if I 'd been given a sentence .
22 if I 'd been given the choice , erm you know if they 'd said you know okay you 're next , you going I 'd have said no thanks , send somebody else , but er
23 I think that 's what I think , but I 'm not sure that if I 'd been born here I 'd be pleased to see me walking down the lane .
24 ‘ You sound as if I 'd been gone for a few hours and forgot to leave you a note . ’
25 That was nice of Nevil , he 'd provided me with a cover story — I was supposed to look as if I 'd been mugged .
26 If I 'd been trained in mind-reading rather than riot control , Dexter , I 'd tell you . ’
27 If I 'd been educated proper , I expect I 'd be able to talk more , ’ said Dolly , ‘ specially if I 'ad good looks and not just a sort of orphanage face .
28 Probably I could have done quite a bit better if I 'd been forced to work , because if I 'm not , I 'm not so bothered to do the work .
29 I often thought if I 'd been married to Finn and I 'd had a gun handy , I 'd 've widowed myself more than once . ’
30 Maybe if I 'd been encouraged then to find pleasure and personal fulfilment instead of pain and resentment I could manage to beat the under-11s on those final few metres .
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