Example sentences of "[subord] i [verb] on the " in BNC.

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1 On another day we went to St. Anne 's where I played on the sands that were not a patch on those of the South Coast .
2 Anyway , back to Le Coq d'Or where I lay on the truckle bed and drifted off to sleep .
3 When I tired of writing press releases on new lube concepts I left Wartberg 's valve business to go to the Angstrom Corporation , where I worked on the launch of a new biscuit , the Pink Finger .
4 I found the whisky , let myself out of the cellar and locked it , turned all the lights out , gave Mrs McSpadden the bottle , accepted a belated new-year kiss from her , then made my way out through the kitchen and the corridor and the crowded hall where the music sounded loud and people were laughing , and out through the now almost empty entrance hall and down the steps of the castle and down the driveway and down to Gallanach , where I walked along the esplanade — occasionally having to wave or say ‘ Happy New Year ’ to various people I did n't know — until I got to the old railway pier and then the harbour , where I sat on the quayside , legs dangling , drinking my whisky and watching a couple of swans glide on black , still water , to the distant sound of highland jigs coming from the Steam Packet Hotel , and singing and happy-new-year shouts echoing in the streets of the town , and the occasional sniff as my nose watered in sympathy with my eyes .
5 I dropped down from the loch only to find that the terrain was considerably steeper than I recalled on the way up , although the compass said I was doing fine .
6 It 's because I like the way the note A sounds on the top string better than I do on the second , but I like A on the second string better than I do on the third , and so on .
7 It 's because I like the way the note A sounds on the top string better than I do on the second , but I like A on the second string better than I do on the third , and so on .
8 Someone once said he 'd have known me anywhere by the voice but he 'd have passed me by in the street on account I look much better in person than I do on the telly .
9 I had already done a couple of jumpers for a largish lady , so I embarked on the back of the third .
10 There was no time to contact him , so I came on the off-chance .
11 Toshack was out of work at the time , so I passed on the offer .
12 ‘ I 'm frightened of horses — but I was aware of all the rumours about me being ‘ difficult ’ to work with , so I got on the horse to avoid causing any problems .
13 I do n't drink and do n't go out much so I manage on the money .
14 Well , I 'm really wanting to go to Birkdale , so I jumps on the last train out of St Andrews .
15 Once I banged on the wall for the Canadian 's attention and got no reply .
16 Well if I go on the premises , work with me and he 's trained like you had one for Steven .
17 And I 'm going to get nowhere if I get on the golf course .
18 So I 'm gon na get I 'm gon na be at that thing by about seven o'clock if I get on the train by I doubt I very much doubt it I 'm getting the train .
19 If I sit on the fence or back Howard Kendall , I will still get slagged off because people will say I 'm patronising the Blues .
20 If I act on the maxim that I will not do things which will hurt Mary 's feelings , that is not universalised simply because I will that all should avoid hurting Mary 's feelings .
21 They were absolutely horrid and if I went on the beach , the first thing I did was to dig a hole in the sand to put the feet in and then just stay there all day … .
22 When we started having sex I was fifteen and scared that if I went on the Pill the doctor would tell my mum .
23 If I lean on the door , push me weight on the door .
24 If I decide on the toss of a coin which investment will provide the greatest yield , and fortunately turn out to be right , we suppose that my choice is vindicated by the outcome perhaps , but not justified by it ; I had no real justification for making the choice I did .
25 Any errors could ruin the fishing , for if I snag on the overhanging branches or the roots , the subsequent pulling to free the tackle , or to break it , will not go unnoticed by the chub .
26 You do n't mind if I sleep on the way back , do you ? ’
27 If I work on the game , I can get £150 in one night . ’
28 ‘ I was fine until I got on the pitch but then it all drained away and the game just passed me by .
29 ‘ They obviously thought I was doing terribly badly at that time and were very pleased at how well they had rigged me out … until I put on the mac .
30 All was going well until I knelt on the front overlap .
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