Example sentences of "[subord] i [verb] he [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Where I find him occasionally disappointing is in the dreamier world of the Gymnopédies and the more intriguing Sonneries de la Rose Croix ( one of the composer 's Rosicrucian works ) .
2 ‘ He 's not easy to describe , although I remember him perfectly .
3 Although I loved him dearly , he was a bit of a rascal and liked the drink far too much .
4 I laughed sometimes when he chased intruders from the garden , but I wished he had n't been aware of the little cat , although I think he only wanted to frighten it away , not kill it .
5 ‘ He 's a selfish little swine who behaved appallingly at Catterick , ’ was her assessment of Quick Reaction 's display in a Hunter Chase three days earlier , ‘ so I ran him here as a punishment ! ’
6 His hands were everywhere , so I kicked him hard in the ankle and told him exactly where to go .
7 He explained he was having a dizzy spell and could n't make it to the doctor 's , so I drove him there .
8 We retired to bed a little more hopeful that some glimmer of light had been shown but , just before I fell asleep , I realised Benjamin had n't answered my question about disliking Vauban , so I asked him again .
9 I felt that this conversation was adding little to my , or my listeners ' , knowledge of how to buy a coffin , so I thanked him kindly for his time and said goodbye .
10 If I read him right he does n't intend to marry , so he would n't suit you , would he ? ’
11 I think the point that Mr is making if I read him correctly is that is you had an inner relief road , in fact it would siphon off traffic from the A sixty one going south from say the Killinghall bypass or relief road .
12 It was as if I owed him financially for everything he 'd given me , he 'd drawn up a sort of balance sheet , setting adoption against the chances he 'd given me ; because he 'd taken me on I owed him .
13 If I heard him correctly , and I thought so , judging by the figures that he was quoting it must have been a more recent Price Waterhouse survey , not the original .
14 I 'm not even sure if I heard him correctly . ’
15 I hope that I shall not embarrass the Minister if I commend him again for his imaginative efforts and the time that he has spent abroad trying to develop inward investment .
16 Well I 'm I 'm sorry but I 'm not a lot of use to him if I let him just walk away from the shield .
17 If I ask him nicely , he will take a message for me , I am sure . ’
18 If I understood him correctly , this is an aspect of what David Parkin described at the 1973 Association of Social Anthropologists Conference as Personal Anthropology .
19 If I understood him correctly , he seemed to be saying that our inflation rate was converging too quickly , and that that was imposing costs on the economy .
20 Comment was made this morning , er earlier on by Mr Timothy about the fact that the new settlement would be likely to generate a higher usage of transport than is the norm for Greater York , if I understood him correctly , erm , knowing the public transport system in Greater York , erm , I fail to see how he could possibly come to that conclusion , because bus services in the rural part of Greater York are very poor , clearly that 's partly because of the distribution of the rural population , and I fail to see that a settlement of the size being suggested would actually generate a level of usage of public transport any higher than that which ex already exists in the York in flat , and certainly no higher than exists within the exis existing urban area .
21 John MacEwen said he 'd follow me in his pick-up , and that the journey would probably kill him , but it was a chance I had to take , he was definitely going to die if I left him there .
22 Now , he does n't say anything about penis envy in , in putting that forward and I do n't know whether penis envy was in his mind at the time he wrote those words and even if I asked him today , he probably would n't admit it .
23 Never called greatest cat , really is , I mean , come towards ya , grab you and bite you and then if I throw him away about five minutes later he 'll come up and bite you again you know , really fucking , do n't just like , just keeps on doing it .
24 ‘ T'would be wise if I baptize him now . ’
25 If I cut him short , there will be complaints about that .
26 If I see him again — good day , sir , sir , ma'am , apologies , terrible crimes , days of ruin for all of us — your servant ! ’
27 If I oppose him now in this , he will only return to it after my death .
28 If I understand him aright , it ought to be possible to show that Descartes ' stripping away of the ‘ accidental ’ qualities of objects is illegitimate , because based on a series of elisions of meaning between one use of an expression and another where the two expressions look the same but have different meanings .
29 If I understand him correctly , he is proceeding to make an argument for putting Polaris and its equipment into a bargaining regime with the Soviet Union .
30 As soon as he got out and about he was going round the house looking for you and then he just stood at the bottom of the stairs and banged until I took him upstairs and he could have a look round up there and then he realized you were n't there
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