Example sentences of "[subord] it is [prep] [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 From Red Pike follow the ridge to High Stile ( 0.75 miles ) where it is worth wandering a little northwards along the summit spur to get the best views of Buttermere .
2 Although it is worth stressing that Saussure 's work is open to a variety of interpretations , and although he himself did not use the concepts structure and structural , it was his idea of the arbitrary and differential nature of the linguistic sign , and therefore of the essential disjunction between language and reality , that became the foundation of the structuralist movement .
3 This is not the place to dwell on the answer to the first question , although it is worth remarking that there are significant nuances of opinion between Britain , on the one hand , and France and Germany , on the other , concerning the relationship with the United States .
4 In the first place Braque had detached himself from visual appearances to a much greater extent than Cézanne , who while he was obviously very much aware ( if only instinctively ) of the purely formal or abstract side of painting , relied nevertheless , in his still lifes and landscapes , on an exhaustive study of the ‘ motif ’ as his point of departure , although it is worth mentioning that in his articles Emile Bernard had suggested that Cézanne 's vision ‘ was much more in his brain than in his eye ’ .
5 Unfortunately , these encouraging results have not been substantiated in prospective studies of special forms of treatment , although it is worth noting that no proper , prospective controlled study in which patients have been randomly assigned to either a treatment or a no-treatment group has been carried out .
6 It does of course raise serious questions about reductionism ( Peacocke 1985 ) , although it is worth noting that reductionism between levels ( e.g. from the social to the biological or from the biological to the biochemical ) is different from reductionism within a given level ( e.g. the psychological as against the sociological , or the sociological as against the economic ) , which is a matter of perspective or aspect rather than level in Comte 's terms .
7 It is n't clear from the evaluation that the money is better spent on air ambulance services than it is on improving intensive care facilities . ’
8 Just as within a state the law may be more effective in responding to armed robbery than it is at responding to a military coup d'état , so in relations between states the law may be better at laying down detailed provisions for the treatment of prisoners of war than it is at addressing the potential human catastrophe of a nuclear war .
9 Just as within a state the law may be more effective in responding to armed robbery than it is at responding to a military coup d'état , so in relations between states the law may be better at laying down detailed provisions for the treatment of prisoners of war than it is at addressing the potential human catastrophe of a nuclear war .
10 It is much more a question of knowledge and awareness of which foods to eat and which to avoid than it is of following blindly someone else 's strict regime .
11 A comfortable position for writing when work needs to be undertaken at close range is in some respects more difficult to achieve than it is for reading .
12 Freedom of choice is no longer on the agenda , especially now that American Jews have discovered that it is easier to raise money for absorbing Soviet Jews in Israel than it is for resettling them in the US .
13 THE top rate of tax hit 98 p.c. and inflation exceeded 20 p.c. during the last Labour government , so it is worth considering tax-exempt and inflation-proofed investments in the six days before a possible change of government .
14 No other file organization can achieve this , so it is worth accepting a fairly low packing density to retain the file in this form .
15 It is likely that computerized storage and retrieval facilities will take on an increasing importance in literary studies ; so it is worth exploring them whenever you can .
16 Dropping boards and sails through not carrying them correctly can be very expensive , so it is worth learning the correct method ( Figs 8 and 9 ) .
17 In the cold and possibly damp environment of the loft , roof timbers are at considerable risk from rot and woodworm , so it is worth treating your loft timbers with a good timber preservative before laying insulation .
18 The range of media is large and the costs can be high so it is worth investigating the pulling power of different choices .
19 Elsewhere , costs vary considerably from bank to bureau de change , and hotel to back street restaurant , so it is worth shopping around .
20 The Government try to justify their claims about a minimum wage on the grounds of what it might to do employment , so it is worth spending a little time on the reasons why we shall insist on introducing it , and the rationale behind that .
21 For those unfamiliar with molecular genetics , this chapter may prove difficult , but the ideas it contains do constitute the core of modern biology , so it is worth making an effort to master them .
22 Performance figures are available for most machines , so it is worth making comparisons before you choose .
23 We will usually be treating individual instructions or groups of instructions in terms of the facilities that they control , so it is worth saying a few words here about the instruction set as a whole .
24 The price of shares can fall as well as rise , so it is worth noting these two golden rules :
25 In fact it is presupposed to see if it is worth proving .
26 One of those who fought to prevent the building said ‘ We do n't know if it is worth preserving after all the upheaval on site ’ .
27 Any charge by the landlord is standard-rated if it is for agreeing not to opt or that the rent is VAT-inclusive .
28 If it is in awarding themselves points for put-downs of the public then they should give up their jobs , live on welfare , and be rude to their friends .
29 A gentleman ‘ should not make too much use of tobacco ’ but ‘ should recognize the Fort in Agra as unequalled in the whole world [ and ] … must think of Isfahan as the best town in Persia ’ ; if he insists on travelling he should visit ‘ Egypt because it is worth seeing ’ .
30 Of course this new policy is about cutting cost because it is about cutting corners in personal care .
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