Example sentences of "[subord] it had be [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It was substantially enlarged from £30 million per annum to about £125 million per annum , and was transferred from the Home Office ( where it had been since 1968 ) to the Department of the Environment .
2 The embalmed corpse of Georgi Dimitrov , Bulgaria 's Communist leader from 1946 until his death in 1949 , was removed on July 18 from the mausoleum in central Sofia where it had been on public display , and was cremated in a private ceremony .
3 The partly suspended sentence of imprisonment had been omitted from the Bill which had passed through all its stages in the Lords , although it had been under consideration by the ACPS .
4 France 's diplomatic successes had made little impact on English opinion , and English military leadership was markedly weaker than it had been during the first phase of the war .
5 Perhaps " acquaintance " would be a fairer description than " friend " , but the difference was clearer in peacetime than it had been during the war .
6 Its autonomy was , however , short-lived , and although it was probably no less active than it had been under Henry VII , Wolsey 's domineering conduct thrust it into subservience .
7 It was all so much easier , somehow , than it had been with Christopher .
8 For Nestor , it was a courageous near-miss , an almost-historic encore that placed Canada closer to the final eight than it had been since 1913 ( when Canada made the Challenge round final — with only nine countries competing ) .
9 When Scarlet attempted to disagree , albeit feebly , Constance cited the scandals in the City and pointed out that the gap between the highest- and the lowest-paid was greater now than it had been since the nineteenth century .
10 Her mousy hair had been bleached by the sun to a more nearly-blonde than it had been since her childhood , and her skin was very brown .
11 In short , Ulster remained more of a violent backwater , removed from the mainstream of British social development , at the end of the 1970s than it had been at the start of that troubled decade .
12 Christmas of 1919 seems to have been vastly more festive than it had been at the workhouse in , say , the Dickensian days of 1844 .
13 The population was becoming less markedly English than it had been at the beginning of the century , with a large number of Ulstermen ( who felt the operation of the leasehold system was squeezing them out of land they had conquered and settled in Ireland ) , Scotsmen , and Germans among the settlers .
14 Thereafter it rose again to about £91,000 per annum in the last five years of the reign , little more than it had been at the start .
15 This did not mean a dramatic drop in popularity : indeed , his approval rating was higher in 1966 and early 1967 than it had been at any point since the Algerian crisis .
16 Visibility on the water was slightly better than it had been on land — there were no hummocks , and somehow night never seems quite so dark at sea as on land .
17 During my blue period my life also seemed to become a lot more structured than it had been for a while .
18 Mick was less fortunate , and when I awoke in the depressing gloom of dawn , he reported that the weather was very much better than it had been for a long time .
19 The sky was clearer than it had been for a week , and massive , but hardly elegant , Storskarfjell stood out like a white tent .
20 Morale on the shop floor was higher than it had been for a long year and an unhealthy atmosphere of optimism and hope pervaded the plant .
21 If possible , life was harder even for these ragged redskins than it had been for their forefathers after the war with Rope Thrower , when their livelihood had been deliberately burned away from them .
22 Police reports suggested that the countryside was more quiescent than it had been for generations .
23 Indeed , it was better than it had been for months .
24 Her father 's order book was better filled than it had been for years , her mother 's health seemed good , Eileen was happy in her work as a pools clerk , and Tony and Helen were happily planning their wedding .
25 Still , she kept the place tidier than it had been for months and she did n't mistreat Springsteen , or if she did he did n't complain about it .
26 It was cooler tonight than it had been of late , besides which she no longer dared to sleep in her underwear , and she pulled on a shortie nightshirt , a farewell present from her brothers .
27 This action was endorsed by the National Association of Unions in the Textile Trade ( NAUTT ) and the matter was put to the employers who responded by suggesting that British industry was less competitive than it had been before the return to the gold standard and the reflation of the pound , and suggested that wages should be reduced by 8 per cent .
28 The flask was a deal emptier than it had been before the dinner break .
29 Within two years the volume of travel was higher practically everywhere in the world than it had been before the war .
30 The world was a less " moral " place than it had been before the war : Germany and Japan had brought to a crisis the sickness which infected civilization , but their collapse had not cured it but left it raging everywhere . "
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