Example sentences of "[subord] it [is] [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 A trial run approach has been suggested particularly where it is suspected the person is hard of hearing ( Deeping , 1979 ) .
2 But I think perhaps , that in a way that becomes the main point is that , although it 's called The Porch Way , I mean , you know that 's fair enough because you can see it is a porch , it 's not clearly defined we we 've got this sort of two pillars here , and a little bit of green , so they 're losing a bit of shape of the porch er and this becomes the sort of erm main er point of the picture .
3 It is much easier to show a child how to draw , how to compose a Picture , how to use colour , than it is to allow the child full self expression .
4 The public domain , therefore , can do more than it is to secure the active citizenship of individuals .
5 Notice that it is much easier to satisfy the condition , , for this active circuit to act as an integrator , than it is to satisfy the condition , , for the corresponding passive circuit of figure 4.11(b) to act as an integrator .
6 So safety is a thing which is ca n't just be said Oh it 's it 's safer to go by train than it is to cross the road .
7 Obviously , after a major international disturbance of this kind , people are concerned about the airways , and the reality of course is that it 's erm a damn sight more dangerous to cross the M forty than it is to cross the Atlantic .
8 The production manager , for example , complained that , ’ … there 's no training needed to operate this , so it 's de-skilling the job and I do n't like that , I like to train somebody …
9 Until it is removed the ferret can not eat .
10 Place the foot at the base of the door , and attach the arm so that it looks as if it is holding the door open slightly .
11 An alternative procedure which appears to be acceptable to HM Land Registry is to apply for office copies of the registered title ( Form 109 ) ; this incurs the same fee ( £8 ) as an index map search , and following the Land Registration ( Open Register ) Rules 1991 it is not necessary to specify the name of the proprietor ; if the land is not registered the application will be rejected , but if it is registered the receipt of office copies gives the opportunity to check the charges register for mortgages .
12 Critical consents are those which it is essential for the purchaser to obtain if it is to conduct the business after completion .
13 Labour must now display some political creativity if it is to offset the effects of Major 's plans for Toryism .
14 But the Bank has always indicated that it would only take such a step in exceptional circumstances and continues to stress its awareness of the need to avoid actions which could be seen as capricious if it is to retain the confidence of market makers and investors in gilt-edged stock .
15 This enables pertinent Objections to be lodged if it is felt the same are relevant .
16 If , as its Members will , it seeks to bring about such change , it must rely upon other agencies if it is to shift the location of so much as a single molecule .
17 East Germany must change course it if it is to stop the haemorrhage of its own people , he said , and renewed Bonn 's offer of financial assistance for reforms .
18 ‘ You might have a sales order processing system sitting on one computer ; once an order has been processed , it sends a message to an inventory system on another computer , which checks whether the item is there , and if it is initiates the shipment , or if not may request the supply of the item by sending a message to a third system .
19 The chaffinch must have opportunity to learn if it is to sing the normal song rather than the crude version .
20 Until recently , there have been no established codec standards and one system can only speak to another if it is using the same compression-decompression algorithms .
21 Althusser faces this question , but warns that it has to be carefully formulated if it is to illuminate the process of the production of knowledges .
22 If it is handled the " Profitboss way " , people will accept it .
23 A statement from any employee who could help prove this point would be valuable for the prosecution , especially if it is suspected the defence will deny the alleged purpose .
24 The actions of human characters involve a whole grammar of visual signals which the audience will pick up if it is given the right clues .
25 You can , of course , invest in a stout muzzle , but this provides no real answer to this vice , since the dog will continue biting if it is given the opportunity .
26 If it is said the constitutional position is not affected then that is the position .
27 The extra complexity of the second hypothesis may seem a good reason for preferring the first , but in fact any theory of latent inhibition will need to find some place for the idea that associability can change if it is to accommodate the chief conclusions to emerge from Chapter 3 .
28 If it is to take the eye with it , the line becomes a series of vectors .
29 The nearer a satellite is to its sun , the faster it has to travel if it is to counter the sun 's gravity and remain in stable orbit .
30 That is to say , the infant must convert stimulation from light rays , sound waves , from the speech stream into the appropriate representational grist if it is to get the kind of information that it requires from the world ; but this gleaning of information does not constitute thought .
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