Example sentences of "[subord] it [verb] that there " in BNC.

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1 Key areas where ‘ perverse incentives ’ are most likely to pressurise NHS and SSDs after April are best indicated by the Institute of Health Services Managers ' evidence to Parliament , where it complained that there was no satisfactory delineation of social care from health care .
2 First , where it appears that there has been a breach of the statutory provisions , he or she must make a report to this effect to the Prime Minister .
3 No one knows just what causes stammering , although it seems that there may be a genetic link .
4 Although it shows that there are a few peers who work hard to correct society 's injustices , the overwhelming impression is of pomp , ceremony , delicious teas and gentle relaxation at an exclusive club peopled by men and 77 women who are already among the most privileged in our society .
5 It is only necessary to imagine a rabbit 's reactions and its subsequent behaviour once it realises that there is an unwelcome visitor within the burrow system .
6 In an extreme case , the LEA may intervene — if it considers that there has been a breakdown of discipline at the school .
7 If it transpires that there 's been no real change the detractors will be more vociferous than ever . ’
8 . If it transpires that there are grounds we shall appreciate your advice as to what redress Mr Blank would have , if any … ’
9 There is no doubt that a bill or note given in consideration of what is supposed to be a debt is without consideration if it appears that there was a mistake in fact as to the existence of the debt ; Bell v. Gardiner ( 4 M. & Gr. 11 ) ; and , according to the cases of Southall v. Rigg and Forman v. Wright ( 11 C.B. 481 ) , the law is the same if the bill or note is given in consequence of a mistake of law as to the existence of a debt .
10 The Government is promoting Compacts because it recognises that there will be a shortfall in supply of responsible and qualified young people over the next few years .
11 Which was fine , because it meant that there was no pressure for her to move on .
12 This term is in fact misleading because it implies that there were central plants elsewhere .
13 Meanwhile Amdahl says that while it believes that there is still strong demand for its mainframes , demand is proving erratic .
14 While it seems that there may often be only one candidate , especially for longer words , there will be more than one on a significant number of occasions .
15 While it conceded that there had been arrests , the government rejected the other allegations as " groundless " .
16 Sometimes a murder enquiry will have been going on for some days before it emerges that there is a sexual element involved .
17 I wonder whether you could define the circumstances in which it is appropriate for the Government to introduce a law reform Bill and seek to push it through all its procedures in a day without it going to a Standing Committee to be considered carefully as to its detail , when it happens that there is no particular circumstance of urgency and when the reform concerned could lead to considerable difficulties for the courts if the measure is not fully considered ?
18 When it appears that there might be a major outbreak in erm in in in in south eastern Europe .
19 From the flats he passed , the sound of lives : Christmas pops on the radio , argument , a baby laughing , which became tears , as though it sensed that there was danger near .
20 This passage is interesting as it assumes that there would have been no right of recovery in any of the cases to which the section referred although had the Woolwich principle been applicable there would have been recovery , apart from the section , in some .
21 Indeed , the passage in Megarry on The Rent Acts , at pp. 386–387 is wrong , in so far as it suggests that there may be a right in a landlord to re-enter peaceably , in the circumstances of this sort of case , between an order for possession and execution of the order by the bailiff .
22 Small wonder that the company had earlier petitioned without success to be allowed to manufacture battery — plates , vessels etc. from the refined metal , for it appears that there was a ready sale and it was a more profitable manner of disposing of the metal .
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