Example sentences of "[subord] it be [v-ing] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 If the policy-making area is technical and complex , public officials have a decided advantage , even though the state may not have a total monopoly of technically relevant knowledge in policy areas where it is pursuing corporatist arrangements .
2 Yet there are humorous topics too , as shown in Candy Guard 's well known three minute portraits of female anxieties and delights : the diet , going to the hairdresser , a persistent spot which precipitates the necessity of a brown paper bag on the head , and going to the party , which in the end proves less fun than it was getting ready for it .
3 William Bentley 's face , already pale , drained slowly of blood until it was glaring white .
4 He put a little fish to swim inside , looking like it 's wriggling free .
5 If the confrontation between Nazareth and Rome looks like it 's becoming unproductive , the teacher can come out of role and ask the children to reflect on what has been happening — perhaps through discussion , perhaps through a short piece of writing ( a diary entry , a letter to a friend , a sketch representing how the townspeople feel about the power relationship , or — shifting the perspective — the report that the Roman has to make to his commanding officer ) .
6 If I see one that looks like it 's growing good , I might give it some extra feed and talk to it a bit . ’
7 If it is getting difficult you can see what 's going to happen , they 're going to think oh well I wo n't go to town today , I 'll go to the corner shop and manage .
8 Do n't join in if it is getting hurtful .
9 Trestles make it all so much easier and safer , and it is worth while having a second one so that everyone can relax for a few minutes if it is proving difficult to align both wings to get the main pins in place .
10 I do n't think she 's all that keen on them , and sometimes she kicks them all out , if it 's getting late and she wants to go to bed .
11 Erm it 's obviously right and proper that a local planning authority if it 's releasing green field sites has to justify why those sites should be released .
12 But she 's not if it 's coming natural .
13 At the moment paid employment ( even if it 's making rubber ducks for export ) brings status and income , whereas work , which we all do to keep going and may well do voluntarily in our communities , carries neither income nor status .
14 It could n't be any plainer if it were raining floppy discs .
15 ‘ No , ’ Reynolds said , and he shifted his grip on the brown paper as if it were getting hot in his hands .
16 Her heart was pounding harder and harder , as if it were getting ready to leap out of her breast .
17 When its heroine , Dorothea , first entertains the illusion that marriage to Mr Casaubon will confer upon the everyday-the aspect of great things , she makes one exception to the frustration of her efforts as a single woman to lead a significant life in that period in England : ‘ I do n't feel sure about doing good in any way now ; everything seems like going on a mission to a people whose language I do n't know ; — unless it were building good cottages — there can be no doubt about that . ’
18 Does he agree that steps must be taken to persuade the Turkish authorities to give such compensation , because it is causing great hardship ?
19 The Bulgarian government has decided to suspend production at the country 's biggest lead plant for several months because it is causing severe pollution to nearby agricultural land .
20 I just think that will have to change , because it is creating utter havoc and misery in the community . ’
21 And the provision for the county is well over the allocations in the structure plan already , but the County Council , sent observations to the District Council to say , We 're not going to object to this particular er windfall site coming forward for a hundred and sixty houses , because it 's recycling existing urban land , and in that case we can set the policy to one side .
22 Cleared , were dispersed , and what have you got next , anyway after that , that that 's obviously a very problematic thing , because it 's using poetic images which are very difficult to move into modern standard English , but what have we got for the rain of heaven please ?
23 Because it 's becoming unmanageable too much paper
24 I only came across the 1936 front page because it was hanging framed on the right-hand wall of old Pierre Gemayel 's office when I went to talk to him in the summer of 1982 in east Beirut .
25 Now I think what te , what happened there was we er , we drifted away from setting down sc , er , er , scripts to finding good useful key words and phrases out of the paper that we could then fit into the script , and as it had gone that way , I realised it was working , and did n't see any point in trying to get it back to the way it was originally going , because it was going fine .
26 I was n't altogether surprised , because it was becoming clear that there were differences , nuances if you will , within the Government about the handling of European issues .
27 According to the Post , the government watchdog took the step because it is battling with the two companies over discount and marketing data , which it reckons it needs in order to determine whether it is paying fair prices for computer products .
28 but a when when somebody when it 's becoming apparent that somebody is I would n't say is not interested in your little complaint that you 've got and that that they 're they 're trying to change to subject it 's difficult to keep them on it
29 It looks as though it 's going too fast even when it 's standing still ! ’
30 Sometimes the tides run fast an' sometimes a man gets the feelin' 'e can swim across from shore ter shore with ease when it 's runnin' slow .
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