Example sentences of "[subord] and [conj] [pers pn] [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 Not only did they enjoy , indeed relish , healthy sexual appetites , they made it obvious that they would satisfy them where and when they felt like it , on their Own terms .
2 The 1940s and 1950s Beats had created a vision of lone men , and buddies out on the highway , fucking where and when they wanted to , an image that Kerouac et al.
3 ‘ I 'd like to know exactly where and when I deserted in the face of the enemy . ’
4 Write down where and when you saw things and try to draw them too .
5 I do n't know whether there was anyone there from BBC Television , but if there was , he or she would have had no doubt who should be the person to present a regular natural history programme if and when they got round to it .
6 There seems no a priori reason why the intellectual collapse of the radical bourgeoisie in the early nineteenth century should necessitate a single line of avant-garde response — rather than a multiplicity of struggles , which , instead of leading irrevocably to extreme Schoenbergian individualism , might , for example , ‘ preserve ’ ( that is reuse ) older elements , to be rearticulated to the interests of new group subjects if and when they emerged .
7 Would there be bloodshed if and when they pulled out ?
8 What would happen if and when they caught up with them ?
9 Nevertheless it appears from the judgment of Thorpe J. , and I do not doubt that he was right , that a dominant factor was W. 's desire to be in an environment where , as she thought , she was in control and could cure herself if and when she thought it right to do so .
10 He would earn most of the money , she would work if and when she chose .
11 It was a sore point with Norma Kingsdale that her elder daughter had no intention of giving up her career if and when she decided to start a family .
12 Release could only come if and when he finished his long apologia .
13 She was the most efficient secretary he had ever had and it irked him that she had made it clear that , if and when he moved , she would wish to stay at Larksoken .
14 However , his candidature in 1911 had been aided by three factors : he was a Conservative rather than a Liberal Unionist , but he was the sort of Conservative who would be acceptable to Liberal Unionists as well ; he was a diehard in opinion , but he had remained loyal to Balfour 's policy throughout the recent twists and turns ; and he had staked a claim by his abandonment of his safe London seat to fight North-West Manchester in December 1910 ( at no real risk , for an alternative safe seat was always available to him if and when he lost ) .
15 ‘ Although I had not had a sexual experience when I was at high school , I thought I should be ready , if and when it came , and so I thought I should stock up .
16 From there , if and when it became possible , he would be taken to the castle at Soragna where the Principessa Meli Lupi was prepared to take him on in the guise of a gardener — a refugee who had been rendered deaf and dumb in the bombing of Milan .
17 Erm obviously the er and as Alan 's asked us few weeks ago , permission to explore maybe looking for the finances , if and when it became the situation .
18 If they had been advised as to the necessity for clear offers in writing with terms set out from the bank , their case is that they would have taken that advice , they would have waited for the bank offer and if and when it had not been suitable for them they would not have exchanged and their case is also that er once things had gone er very badly wrong and they wanted to get out of the contract if they had been advised as to the way out er then er they would have been er of that , they would have served notice and they would have got out of the contract .
19 As an alternative to the last submission it was argued that the money was paid to and received by the revenue under an implied agreement that it would be held as a deposit against tax that might be held to have been due at the dates of payment and that it would be repaid if and when it turned out that no tax was due .
20 One suggestion has been that the Government would agree to amendments in December 1991 , with the reservation that these would not be binding upon the United Kingdom unless and until they had been ratified and approved by the United Kingdom parliament .
21 As a vanguard , in spite of one or two sensational assassinations , it was not going to get very far unless and until it managed to co-ordinate widespread resistance to the French .
22 Unless and until it had been created , socialism was unrealizable .
23 Lastly , whenever you make any search , whether against registered or unregistered land , make a note of the date and nature of every search on your instructions sheet , then you need be in no doubt later , if the reply to a search does n't arrive in a day or so , as to whether and when you made your search .
24 A further deep-seated reason for neglect lies in the unforgiving attitudes of the general population towards criminals , which , although fostered and maintained by the British , existed long before and after they left ( cf.
25 If she thought her troubles would be over when and if I caught up with the blackmailer , she was way off .
26 The company refused an offer of £925 in 1924 , but in 1928 they accepted £250 for the engine , boilers , steelwork , rope etc. as and where they lay .
27 Now he strode out not apprehensive that he might have lost contact with that gift of powerful calm which had so effectively stilled the thresh of his emotions , but confident that as soon as he reached the Point and stood as and where he had first stopped — the experience would be renewed and reinforced , the key would fit the lock .
28 She adopted an individually structured approach to teaching which allowed students to work at their own pace as and when they pleased .
29 Despite the rapid growth of ill feeling between Minton and Vaughan , their home at Hamilton Terrace attracted many visitors , who turned up as and when they wished , some hoping for roast beef at breakfast as Minton frequently began cooking a large joint at eleven o'clock at night .
30 We know it would have been possible to have left the switch alone but — given a bit of forward planning and some wire — to have completed an ad hoc electrical circuit so that the wipers did start to work , just as and when they did .
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