Example sentences of "[subord] she [vb past] [adv prt] the " in BNC.

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1 She knew nothing of the future other than that it was an inhospitable fog that no-one had any choice but to enter , but she was certain that there was a scene all laid-out and waiting for her where she brought in the name of the man — or woman — who 'd first talked to Chrissie and then run her down .
2 She was collecting glasses and plates from all over , slinging the contents in a vile bucket , and Philippa noticed that she was n't particularly careful where she stubbed out the cigarette that dropped a little trail of ash wherever she went .
3 Then her hands began to shake so she put down the half-eaten cake , very aware that his face was full of emotion , belying the quietness of his voice .
4 Jane found it cold , but her visitors found it freezing , so she turned up the thermostat to seventy .
5 But once she took over the directorship of the Institute for Chemical Research in Bucharest ( ICECHIM ) , she began to purge those scientists who had been foolish enough to cast doubt on her credentials or to refuse to ‘ co-operate ’ with her research .
6 However when the party broke up and he offered her a lift home , she was quick to negotiate secretly with her hostess for her bike to remain unmentioned in the stairwell until she came back the next day to collect it .
7 Cos she ran up the garden .
8 I said erm I said to Alison oh aye cos she rang up the other day and I asked her if she 'd found a fella .
9 She was terrified that if she poured out the tale to her husband now , he would be filled with doubts as to the extent of her previous involvement with Davis .
10 When Mrs.McNaughtan noticed a pencilled note inside the cover saying ‘ fore-edge painting ’ , she knew that if she spread out the gilt edges of the book 's pages , we would see a picture , as indeed we did to our delight .
11 From this , Mrs Lamport discovered she had misread one name and her researches into Mrs Piggott were scrapped while she took up the new challenge in the name of Mrs Pigou , a theatre-goer of French origin .
12 ‘ What will you have ? ’ he enquired , going over to a drinks table while she tested out the couch and discovered that its appearance of comfort was no lie .
13 He sat on a kitchen chair while she peeled back the plaster he 'd stuck over the wound .
14 He held onto my suit while she added up the bill ( more than £20,1 could n't help noticing ) , took his money , gave him change , wrapped the flowers and poked them under his arm .
15 There was a quiet period while she put down the receiver and wrote her notes .
16 She gathered her straggly hair into a bun at the back of her head , holding it with her left hand while she pulled down the polo neck of her thin jumper .
17 Then she asked the ‘ patient ’ to hold the other end while she measured out the length again , mumbling a strange , unintelligible gibberish all the while .
18 But Sue is quick to justify the power she wields since she took over the editorship in 1989 .
19 Moira McVitie is fairly putting on the beef since she gave up the teaching when wee Scott was born .
20 Since you arrived , ever since she picked up the … vibrations between us , that first lunchtime , she has done everything in her power to stir up trouble , including that episode in my office , and tonight 's performance .
21 I have n't seen her so enthusiastic since she worked out the cybemetics for the Golem of Prague .
22 The New York Film Critics Circle gave Emma , 33 , its top honour after she picked up the DW Griffith and Los Angeles Critics awards for her portrayal of Helen Schlegel in the adaptation of E M Forster 's novel , Howards End .
23 Amid the clatter of cutlery and crockery , my contact revealed how Diana had seriously considered calling off the wedding two days before she walked down the aisle at St Paul 's Cathedral .
24 Perhaps she was a bit like that as a child , Dexter sometimes wondered , always eating the pastry round the outside of a tart before she gobbled up the fruit-crammed centre .
25 As soon as she got into the house , Molly ran up the stone stairs to the kitchen tap before she switched on the light .
26 Rodi 's second husband Gordon , 64 , died two months before she picked up the cheque from Bergerac star John Nettles .
27 Before she set off the following morning , she 'd visited the Maison du Vin , which was housed in a former medieval monastery .
28 It was a small back room at the back of the house , little more than a box , but when she pressed down the switch of the low-voltage nursery light she felt again a glow of maternal , proprietorial pride .
29 God , thought Madame , when she added up the night 's takings , one week I should write down who 's having who as well as who 's drinking what .
30 When she looked up the mountainside , as if searching for help there , I realized that she still had fear of me , little knowing the true state of affairs , and felt herself like an animal in a trap .
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