Example sentences of "[subord] she [be] [adv] [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 It was a Militant councillor who found her alternative accommodation where she was later to give birth to her daughter , Claire .
2 ‘ She asked if you were all right , ’ Leith replied , not certain that she was n't breaking confidences , but feeling she would have to be far tougher than she was not to give in to his unspoken plea for some salve on his pain .
3 They thought it normal for Daddy to get them up and dress and breakfast them , before he went down to morning surgery , and for Lucy once she was up to spend ages talking excitedly and gesticulating on the telephone , before consigning them ( with a kiss on the head ) to Nissy while she disappeared to the study to practise , and the house was filled with the cello 's dismal squeaks and groans , which always recovered eventually , into more or less of a tune .
4 Like you brought Caroline for her , cos she 's literally to cut Paul 's hair .
5 As it seemed , if she were not to die of her love she had to poison it ; and even , over its death agonies , to exult .
6 Of course , she would die very quickly if she were not to receive intensive and expensive round-the-clock treatment from the staff of the nursing home where she is now a patient .
7 The mother would have to rent a property for herself and the boys if she were not to accept the offer of rent-free accommodation for a month with a friend of the father .
8 If the dream were to lose its power , if she were somehow to prevent it recurring , she must face again the memory of that afternoon nearly thirty years ago .
9 She looked as if she were about to set off for a provincial cocktail party , an office party of female executives .
10 Sarah seemed as if she were about to say something else , then thought better of it .
11 Gwen looked as if she were about to shut the door .
12 Melissa felt as if she were about to enter a church .
13 I caught sight of Claire , bright red in the face , looking as if she were about to burst into tears .
14 Then , taking a deep breath as if she were about to plunge into a pool of unknown depth and temperature — which , perhaps , she was — she continued , ‘ But could you tell me a bit more about what the work would entail ? ’
15 Joshua grabbed Hyacinth by the arm — she had been looking as if she were about to attack her victim 's other eye — and steered her away .
16 She looked as if she were about to cry .
17 Her shiny black eyes watched closely then she flapped her wings just the same way — as if she were about to fly .
18 They urged that if the loyalist political parties were to go into the convention without having in reserve the weapon of the general strike , they would be as naked and helpless as Aneurin Bevan , the post-war foreign secretary , had said Britain would be in international councils if she were unilaterally to discard her nuclear weapons .
19 If she was not to break down completely , and in front of Hester , she must say goodbye to Willie , and go .
20 Jacqui stood up and looked as if she was about to hit him .
21 Again it seemed as if she was about to say something but changed her mind .
22 It was only when Maisie emerged from the back kitchen , wearing her third headscarf of the morning ( this one was in Liberty print and made her look as if she was about to go out to watch titled men shooting grouse ) , that he felt emboldened to get close enough to hear what they were saying .
23 When she looked as if she was about to ask him why , he went on , ‘ There 's a good reason — you have to believe it .
24 Meanwhile , amid the to-ings and fro-ings , Norma Major , with her daughter Elizabeth , was turning heads dressed in Liberal Democrat yellow as if she was about to parade through the Royal Enclosure at Ascot .
25 He relented when she blushed and looked as if she was about to start trembling .
26 She was reminded of a remark in Tristram 's last letter to Beatrix — ‘ Such a foolish conceit , in both senses , eh ? ’ — and she wondered if she was about to succumb to a similar temptation .
27 She had strong hands , and the pressure she put into her grasp felt as if she was about to throw him over her shoulder or come out with some menacingly appropriate comment .
28 She looked as if she was about to walk on stage rather than be interviewed by detectives from New Scotland Yard .
29 Amanda said she loved the live show , that Sandra was n't particularly attractive but had a great body and showed what good hair and good clothes could do , and then , in an off-hand comment that she probably regretted almost immediately , declared that if she was ever to sleep with a woman , it would be Sandra .
30 Perhaps Britain had to undergo painful shock treatment if she was ever to become as economically dynamic as France or West Germany .
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