Example sentences of "[subord] at this [noun sg] the " in BNC.

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1 However , although at this stage the inner reaches of PCF life , the practical realities of daily party cultural work , were slowly revealing themselves to Nizan , his intellectual and ideological development was still very much dominated by sectarian rhetoric and abstract , idealised images of a better future destined to arise from the overthrow of capitalism .
2 If at this time the bond was trading at 99.25 , the yield to average life ( ral ) is found by solving to give ral = 9.77 per cent .
3 It is because at this time the warning light is more easily visible in the twilight than in the daylight .
4 The pull-out rate for this system is 435 steps 1 , because at this speed the motor 's pull-out torque is equal to the load torque .
5 This is not critical because at this point the winch driver is adjusting the power .
6 Military officials may also be interested because at this resolution the craft can pick out features such as missile silos .
7 ‘ Shell-pink ’ would give a prettiness to the poem but a prettiness that is inappropriate because at this moment the moon has no connection with shells and every connection with the lines of the steeple .
8 Erm whereas at this stage the four of us could probably find accommodation which was n't that much more expensive erm but to have the actual focus for the for the local party .
9 Piaget 's name for this important first stage in the child 's long struggle to make sense of her environment was the sensori-motor stage , since at this time the child is seen as only being able to make sense of what is happening around her in terms of establishing relatively simple relations between her motor actions and the associated sensations .
10 With the latter , three different exposures were used , since at this stage the existence of exposure cut-offs was known , but the effect had not been fully worked out .
11 Even the more Puritan gentry found it hard to bring themselves to prosecute their neighbours and relatives , for at this stage the sense of solidarity among the gentry was usually greater than their religious differences .
12 Thank you for being there , for at this stage the Marshal was powerless to help him .
13 Indeed , the name " pupa " derives from a Latin word meaning a doll , for at this stage the insect within seems to be wrapped in swaddling clothes .
14 When at this point the outraged proprietor himself arrived on the scene , seized a pickaxe from a workman and defied the party to proceed , using very much improper language , the sheriff had second thoughts and counselled withdrawal .
15 When state-supported secondary education was introduced in 1878 , a denominational system was officially set up , though at this time the system was only availed of by the few families who could afford to lose the labour of young teenagers .
16 The lengthy , complicated and interesting case of Richard of Anstey ( of some two generations before Innocent III 's time ) shows how it was already accepted that the Crown could have no jurisdiction over the solemn sacrament of marriage , though at this stage the canon law of marriage and what actually constituted a legal marriage was extremely fluid .
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