Example sentences of "[subord] they do not have " in BNC.

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1 Essex have been practising outdoors at Chelmsford since April 1 , which gives them a week 's start on Durham , although they did not have a winter tour .
2 Some are still around and , although they do not have the power , compare reasonably well in quality with modern wonders .
3 There are certain categories of excepted students who , although they do not have a relevant connection with the UK and Islands , are not liable to pay the overseas rates of fee .
4 There are certain categories of ‘ excepted student ’ who , although they do not have a ‘ relevant connection ’ with the UK and Islands , are not liable to pay the overseas rates of fee .
5 For instance , all four operators U , D , L and R of the eight tiles problem are reversible , but they are partial functions on the set of states and so they do not have inverses .
6 In England even when Botham was working one of his miracles people at work did not stop ; if they did not have a radio they just rang the Test score , on the works phone of course , a bit more frequently .
7 Explaining this they went on to say that perhaps if they did not have to put up with Keith 's trying behaviour every day until evening they might have fewer rows .
8 Officers of merchant ships were particularly vulnerable if they did not have in their possession a written protection from impressment issued by the Admiralty , and David Scott was enabled to oblige both Provost Watt of Forfar and several influential merchants of Dundee by securing the freedom of Peter Brown , the mate of the ship John and Nancy of Dundee , though in this case the Dundee magistrates had to provide an able seaman as a replacement for Brown before he was freed from the pressing tender .
9 The Germans use this model precisely because of their tradition of promoting people in their specialties , especially in research and engineering ; if they did not have available commands in near-independent subsidiaries to put people in , they would have little opportunity to train and test their most promising professionals .
10 The University of Reading 's survey comments that most small farmers ‘ could not even subsist on these farms if they did not have outside sources of income .
11 I should be a good deal more impressed with the Government 's determination to deal with weapons of mass destruction in Iraq if they did not have such questionable record on assisting Iraq to obtain a nuclear capability .
12 Low capitalisation tended to be a factor in stifling competition , as firms were not willing to compete on price terms if they did not have the capital backing .
13 Even if they do not have to hide , they will be like lieutenants to us now — ‘
14 If they do not have enough hay or pasture they are liable to get intestinal problems , sometimes caused by eating inappropriate or unwholesome substances such as fence posts or mouldy hay .
15 The City 's planners tend to encourage the restoration of listed buildings to their original states if they do not have to be torn down , he said .
16 Also , rules are meaningless to a child if they do not have a rationale .
17 Even if they do not have thrush symptoms at the time , there is likely to be a reservoir of Candida in the vagina .
18 If they do not have a lifelong partner , they are not supposed to be sleeping or have sexual relationships with anyone .
19 These might continue to include long-term shareholders , particularly if they do not have the opportunity to sell , but should also include long-term bankers and possibly suppliers , employees and customers who are committed to the company .
20 If they do not have a copy ask if they can get one for you from their central library resource .
21 If they do not have such a grounding , it will be difficult for them to pursue more advanced studies subsequently , especially in ‘ vertebrate ’ subjects such as mathematics and science ; also , a merely partial or incomplete exposure to such forms of knowledge sells them short in terms of human thought , indeed of the very concept of mind .
22 All hon. Members on both sides of the House have an obligation to scrutinise legislation but , understandably , Opposition Members will have more interest in trying to delay it , because if they do not have the votes to defeat the Government , they will try to protract discussion .
23 Overseas investment firms dealing in the UK will generally not need authorisation if they do not have a UK office and deal only with other professionals and large institutional clients .
24 They have a good stock of wicks and , if they do not have your particular one on the shelf , are confident they can order one for you .
25 Request they buy a copy if they do not have one !
26 And all the rest of humanity which offended you , too : Jews , gipsies , the mentally handicapped , Poles , Russians — the Untermensch — — the subhuman , subhuman because they did not have blue eyes and blond hair , white skin or , that vaguest , and because most vague , most potent of myths , the right blood .
27 Union leaders should take immediate steps to ensure that no one was ever denied a job because they did not have a union card .
28 Yet the numbers of women choosing not to marry receded in times of rising real wages , and the same conditions lowered the average age at marriage Hence , it is wise to remember that many women remained unmarried only because they did not have the means to start a new household with a husband .
29 John 's firm having been established for nearly forty years by this time , the rival Lawrence Girls were definitely more earthy in character , with not a snob amongst them possibly because they did not have such a long tradition .
30 While they acknowledged they did not feel themselves to be happy at work — their lot was ‘ to work ’ — they felt that nothing could be changed because they did not have the knowledge .
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