Example sentences of "[subord] they [vb past] some [noun] " in BNC.

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1 And although they felt some roads would be too narrow , committee members on Thursday gave it their general support .
2 Despite the trials of many peasants in 1922 , the Nikol'skaia villagers tolerated the party cell although they disliked some individuals within it .
3 Her mother had made some scones and pies in her afternoon leisure and picked some flowers in case the child came back in need of cheering up , so they ate some supper and then went out to the headland .
4 He said they could have a picnic if they brought some cake out into the garden , but they did n't seem to understand him .
5 Cathy , Cathy if they got some disease like , I du n no something like I du n no cancer or something like that , would they be more ill than normal ?
6 It was n't as if they had some sort of relationship ; he had taken her out only to help her with her search .
7 If they had some sort of party in there he 's gon na go over the top you know .
8 I do n't know if I know I understand obviously monies not around at the moment but if they made some way of creating some kind of jazz pub closing it down making it part of the theatre again it 's it 's just a like a pub and I I do n't ever feel comfortable going in there and buying drinks on rehearse . .
9 The women migrants within countries became overwhelmingly domestic servants , until they married some fellow-countryman , or passed into some other urban occupation .
10 In late 1984 Feshaie and a friend left home and simply walked until they found some EPLF fighters .
11 ‘ Looks like they had some sort of problem with their trailer there , ’ I said .
12 But , and I have no concerns about sports ground sale , we 've regulated the numbers because they had some concerns about the and that , that itself has caused 's fellow supporters some problems , but we 've actually restricted the number of people who can use the sports ground .
13 He could n't get my bag back for me , or the other contents , because they had some value — although very little I 'm sure — whereas the letter , having no value at all ( except for me of course ! ) was thrown away .
14 County boroughs totally opted out of the surrounding county council 's affairs , but for the other types of subordinate authorities the situation was complicated because they performed some functions for themselves while other functions in their areas , such as education , were run by the county council .
15 Did Carnelian hope that Jaq or Meh'Lindi would rush , or fire , impetuously — only for their laser beams or needles to pass through the phantom without effect , till they hit some bystander or the Governor 's tabernacle ?
16 When they returned some time during the morning , despite her lack of sleep , Sarella had never felt more wide awake .
17 Apprentices were trained to make drawings rapidly , so that when they saw some machinery with which they were unacquainted they could sketch its salient features ; this would correspond to the field sketch of the naturalist .
18 I think , I think I would , having moved the recommendation would seek to clarify what we 're asking the Government to reconsider , erm , because we 're not saying what they should come up with as a new policy , but I think we could add the words , for capital investment , at the end of the motion , recognising that at one level of government , central government it has been the practice in the past , er when they had some capital they could sell in the form of British Telecom shares and er , indeed other nationalised industries , er not to use the er the results erm , er release this realised by that capital disposal for capital investment , instead to use it for revenue purposes , which was in the long term somewhat unfortunate .
19 Though they produced some statuary in Classical and Hellenistic styles they were not copyists .
20 ‘ This is our little guest cottage , ’ she announced as they mounted some steps on to a wide , spacious veranda which ran the length of the property .
21 The distant forest became obscured by a misty darkness which closed in round them , broken by the odd pinprick of light as they passed some hamlet or village .
22 The pupils were then given the opportunity to create and experiment with her voice synthesiser as they performed some group poems of their own .
23 Accounting statements from the past were relevant only in so far as they provided some clue to future cash surpluses .
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