Example sentences of "[subord] they [vb past] [adj] other " in BNC.

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1 Where they contradicted each other in inessential points there might be room for debate and uncertainty .
2 Indeed , when Jessica had locked her car with all the others at the Moira roundabout — travel-sharing , she assumed , hardheaded Ulstermen saving on the petrol — Rory had walked up to her and kissed her lightly on the mouth as if they owned each other .
3 All the same , it was obviously better if they avoided each other completely .
4 Martin , tall with a roll-necked sweater under a grey suit , played war games ; John , slightly paunchy with a beard , was into steam trains — he took photos of them ; Julian , fair , well-dressed , with crooked teeth , divorced , spent Saturdays with his children and would expect her to do so too if they suited each other ; Lewis , in three-piece suit and striped shirt , supported the reintroduction of corporal punishment in schools ; Gerald , a mild , bushy-haired man , described with passionate precision the arrangement of the plants in his garden .
5 But if they met each other , Lewis … ?
6 He had decided to act as if they liked each other ; he did n't know how he affected her and he was n't going to know .
7 The Dysons did n't have to exhaust themselves wondering if they loved each other , and what they should do about it if they did n't .
8 On 28 February Sjahrir resigned from the premiership : but Sukarno and he needed each other , even if they suspected each other : on 2 March he was back as Premier .
9 They were lucky because they had each other .
10 Until then Frank had been safe because they had each other , and the things that troubled him were half buried and might well have sunk past danger .
11 It would be many long years before they saw each other again .
12 The existence of such conflicts had been acknowledged and deplored as early as the 1580s by George Gifford 's non-Puritan countryman , who had commented : ‘ I know towns myself which are divided one part against another since they had a preacher , which was not so before … whereas before they loved each other , now there is dissension sown among them . ’
13 Not only were the boys patient in explaining fishing techniques to their obviously ignorant librarian , but when they questioned each other 's accuracy , they presented an argument and facts to support it in a calm and friendly manner .
14 When they knew each other better —
15 The Pims dashed around all parts of the aquarium having brief but energetic skirmishes when they met each other , but no actual physical damage was suffered from the skirmishes .
16 He spoke as though they knew each other well and over a long period .
17 Because the men were serving together in what was essentially a small box with loopholes for machine-guns , their morale was high , for they gave each other mutual psychological support .
18 And at once they had to acknowledge what probably they had known but not wished to push before the other — that physical flutter had been their bond , certainly at first , though by now there were other more convenient linkages ; for they found each other very beautiful , very desirable .
19 Ace made love to her in a silence made all the more potent when her roving caresses forced him to respond with a groan of pleasure as they touched each other intimately .
20 Whereas Siward , as a direct vassal of England , had appeared on every battlefield with his Northumbrian levies and knew their strength , as they knew each other 's .
21 There was silence between the three of them for a moment as they returned each other 's stare ; then Joe said , ‘ If you do n't wish to act for me I can make other arrangements . ’
22 ‘ Such a long time ! ’ she gasped in his ear as they hugged each other tightly , the dogs retiring a respectful distance to sit and watch the homecoming with tails swishing excitedly over the gravel .
23 There was silence for a moment as they held each other 's eyes , broken only by the faint sound of dance music from down below .
24 Finally , she abandoned herself to him once again , the moonlight playing on their bodies as they loved each other with a strength that surprised them both .
25 There was an instant when both parties halted at gaze , no more than a quarter of a mile apart ; and though they were so far from him across the valley , he felt the shock of confrontation and recognition quiver through his own body as they measured each other .
26 ‘ I hope you 're hungry , ’ Luke remarked , as they faced each other across a beautifully appointed table in a restaurant overlooking the canal .
27 Two enormous sofas in a deep burgundy brocade looked hugely luxurious in contrast to the rest of the room as they faced each other across a low glass table .
28 The abbey church of St Ricquier , built in the 790s , had galleries in its apses , and choir screens round the area of some of its altars , with the idea ( as we know from the ritual order of its Abbot Angilbert ) of dividing the monks ' and boys ' choirs ; the building must have echoed to the sound of these choirs as they answered each other antiphonally from different parts of it .
29 They were silent as they undressed each other , their movements slow and sensual .
30 She drank with them as they pledged each other .
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