Example sentences of "[subord] they [adv] [verb] [that] " in BNC.

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1 The plea for information about alma had hundreds of people scurrying for their dictionaries , where they soon realised that the game in question did in fact go under the name of halma .
2 Although they privately felt that they themselves would properly decide the fate of the territories , even the most conservative mayors began to acknowledge the PLO .
3 Recently , Laupacis et al proposed that the adoption and use of new health technologies should be classified into five grades of recommendation based on their cost per QALY , although they also acknowledged that many other issues other than cost effectiveness , such as ethical and political considerations , affect the implementation of a new technology .
4 They need to see a tough manager — someone like you , hey ? — so they never think that the organisation has gone soft .
5 Some people speak , and write , through a blur of adjectives as if they secretly knew that at heart of their hackneyed attempts to articulate is nothing .
6 And if they somehow suspected that I was picking up something valuable , why would any of them try to kill me before the pick-up ?
7 If they really believe that the merger was the best way forward , they must now be be supporting something that they know to be less than best and and this is now rendered all the bad feeling and all the destruction of the past two years , a complete waste of time .
8 it 's up to him whether it 's , whether they say it 's right or wrong I think , I think what the council said is if they , if they want it , the thing shifting , they are strong enough to get it shifted if they , if they , if they really feel that the things rot , you see up in the Dales they , one chap built a house and er , and they said they had to pull it down because it would n't fit in with , of
9 Although buyers will want to secure the best possible deal for themselves , sellers will only want to sell if they too think that they will obtain a good deal .
10 Nursing staff on some of those areas that we would pick out — those would be the intensive care units , the children 's units , the delivery suites and special care baby units — the nursing staff actually have control of permits which they can issue to relatives who are going to be here for a great length of time , and if they so feel that these relatives should n't be charged , they give them a permit and they park in a staff area at no charge whatsoever .
11 If they seriously believe that in the context of the present constitutional crisis between Scotland and the rest of the United Kingdom they can introduce what are crude and dangerous league tables into Scottish education — and do so by means of a single clause tacked on at the end of an English and Welsh Bill which is otherwise wholly irrelevant to Scotland — they have taken leave of their collective senses .
12 If they subsequently discover that actually your knowledge is pretty sketchy but at least you 've got some well
13 But some philosophers get themselves tied in knots because they implicitly assume that the cat can have only one history .
14 The figures on schooling and educational background are particularly revealing , not just because they disclose that roughly 90 per cent of the country 's judges received a public school education , or that over three quarters had attended either Oxford or Cambridge universities , but because they also confirm that this social profile has remained virtually unaltered over the last four decades or more .
15 Whether because they have genuinely changed their political philosophy or because they simply realize that they will never get away with it in a modern pluralistic society , for whatever reason , conservative Protestants have preferred to follow the democratic inheritance of the Reformation .
16 You were right in saying that there was very bad press given to hormone replacement therapy in in the early days when they used very high doses of of er un er , of normal oestrogens and this caused an increase in the amount of end of uterus , uterine cancer and this I think has generally er mo mo mo ruined the course for for the older doctors because they still think that it 's associated with an increase in cancer and they have n't got up to date to realise that the more modern preparations are not causing this and that 's where I think th the problems li lie .
17 they 're probably Jewish because they always reckon that there 's people after them and that 's what she 's like
18 The Maronites were prepared to cooperate with the outside power because they correctly believed that the French wanted a future independent Lebanon which would look to France for protection .
19 Mills rejects pluralist accounts because they mistakenly assume that power is only located in the political system .
20 Referring to the spate of recent pro-Iraqi demonstrations , Beg added that " the distrust of the USA among the people [ of Pakistan ] is because they fully know that Israel 's security interests are dearer to it than anyone else " .
21 So Peter Abelard could argue that those who crucified Christ had not sinned because they genuinely believed that they were acting rightly .
22 In terms of Figure 6.10 , workers would like to move up their labour supply function to a position such as point B since they mistakenly think that the real wage rate has risen to , say , .
23 He would go himself and bring back some news before they even knew that he had gone .
24 ‘ But they let you walk in and take his place before they even knew that you never laugh at anything , even if it 's funny . ’
25 When they also indicated that they would prefer to have one central point of communication for their dealings with the Nationalist camp , it was clear that the question of leadership must be resolved at once .
26 They were thrilled when they suddenly realized that not only had Tom Mix and Gloria Swanson been in the audience on opening night but were in the same room with them at the party afterwards .
27 It may be at the time that they hear the person is going to die ; it may be when they suddenly recognize that the person has become very ill ; it can be at almost any stage when the threat of loss comes into their mind .
28 And the Protestants ' only hope of redressing the imbalance of power created by the French lay in turning to the English , even though they well knew that protestations of Anglo-Scottish friendship and desire for union in no way wiped out the instinctive hostility between Scots and English which ran so deep that half a century later it would still cause grievous problems for the first king of Britain .
29 The believe that what women are looking for is sensitivity , though they also say that women are looking for funloving men .
30 J. G. Frazer in his monumental work on folklore in the Old Testament maintained that the belief that the gods revealed themselves and declared their will to mankind in dreams was widespread in antiquity ; and accordingly people resorted to temples and other sacred spots for the purpose of sleeping there and holding converse with the higher powers in visions of the night , for they naturally supposed that the deities or the deified spirits of the dead would be most likely to manifest themselves in places specially dedicated to their worship .
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