Example sentences of "[subord] they [verb] [adv] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 Where they 'd all met with their initiation into his flamboyant world of sex .
2 An open , sunny site is best as many herbs originate from the Mediterranean where they get thoroughly baked during the summer .
3 The Germans had shifted their position since the writing of the Delors Report : where they had previously wanted ‘ binding rules ’ for budget deficits , they now called for ‘ sanctions ’ to be available to the Community as a means of enforcing the bank 's decisions on recalcitrant member states .
4 Sleek towers that were telescoping down into the undercity , leaving great smooth plazas where they had previously reared , chequerboard-patterned spaces with a hint of roof outlines .
5 Labour support tended to be concentrated in already safe seats while the Tories swung many of the southern marginals , as many of the managerial , professional and small business strata registered Tory votes where they had previously voted Liberal or not voted at all ( Bonham , 1954 ) .
6 During the meal they talked about England , mainly London where they had both lived .
7 They join the company from Maersk Company , where they had both worked as Dry Cargo Shipbrokers since 1989 .
8 Travis glanced at his watch and sighed , rising from the table in Paige 's room where they had just enjoyed a long , leisurely breakfast .
9 They were seated , as was their custom , in the summer-house , where they had just finished a light lunch .
10 A total of 40.7% of respondents chose their last holiday on the basis that they had done the same before and enjoyed it ; 19.7% went somewhere where they had always wanted to go ; and 17.9% went on a word-of-mouth recommendation .
11 But out here , on the high road , it was difficult to recall the purple and blue shadows and the firelight and the long oak table where they had all taken supper .
12 However a neat , dust-free rectangle in the centre showed where they had obviously lain .
13 Did Theo remember that mill on the road out of The Hague where they had once sat and pledged eternal friendship so passionately , over their glasses of milk ?
14 Under the Sunni Muslim Ottoman Empire in Syria , they were treated with contempt , abandoned to the poverty of the hill villages in southern Lebanon where they had originally come from Mount Lebanon .
15 It is doubtful if Marian and Allen would have found again the rock shelter where they had accidentally walked into the arms of the waiting verderers if Allen had not noticed his knife lying where Crane had kicked it .
16 Helping parents draw up these lists builds on the information they have gained from the assessment phase where they have already learned to specify the problem areas .
17 The airlines themselves will next week step up their recruitment drive for pilots in North America and western Europe , where they have also chartered aircraft , by extending their search for flight crews to South Africa and central Europe .
18 The head needs to encourage staff to scrounge for good management , display and communications ideas from schools where they have previously worked , schools where their own children attend , industry , supermarkets , courses , magazines and even books .
19 To summarise the arguments , the critical proposition is that European companies , particularly technology-intensive ones , start from a position of disadvantage , where they have initially diversified rather broadly as multi-divisional companies and in the context of one single country .
20 It is in fairly mountainous country , where they have apparently transformed , by tremendous effort , a poor and barren area into highly productive farming country .
21 In some situations colonies of rabbits exist in areas where they have never had the need to construct a burrow for themselves .
22 Although they 'd probably covered that . ’
23 Trouble is , I do n't know what he 'd do - " He broke off suddenly and turned his head away , whispering , " My father , my father , my father … " in a way so bitter and desperate that she turned to him and held him ; and although they had already stayed far longer than on previous nights , she had a sudden foreboding of events , so that she needed to love him again , now ; and a little while later , without thinking of the danger , she cried out with the joy of him : a single shriek in the night that echoed in the trees below the house and was followed by a strange , almost tangible silence .
24 Although they had already proved their skills with other publications , this book probably did most to signal the arrival of the Japanese as major quality printers in western markets .
25 Something she said , perhaps Matey 's name , the lack of privacy for the two of them in the small house , although they had both kept their voices low , stopped him .
26 The surviving cab-drivers had been traced and , although they had both decamped as soon as the trouble started , Thiercelin managed to piece together the events of the previous night with reasonable accuracy .
27 It finds that the surveyed authorities spent a ‘ great deal of time and effort ’ developing the so-called care programme approach , although they had largely failed to implement monitoring systems .
28 Although they had formerly represented the true repository of Judaism , and although they provided Christianity with the very focus of its worship , they had now been disowned by Jews and Christians alike .
29 Although they had often stayed in the country , this was the first time they had lived in it , and that makes all the difference .
30 Although they had recently lost narrowly to New Zealand , there was no question that West Indies were now the outstanding team in the world , and they were to continue that way throughout the 1980s .
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