Example sentences of "[subord] with the [noun sg] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Their programme may , however , may prove more popular with the voters than with the foreign-exchange markets .
2 As with the Casket Letters , conflicting theories concerning the event have proliferated ever since .
3 As with the race relations units and committees , the raising of issues concerning gender was controversial ( Lansley et al .
4 Such objects were probably made by goldsmiths working for chieftains , as with the crown jewels of more advanced polities .
5 Extra roots can give support , as with the stem roots of tall lilies .
6 We shall take it that their surface structure is : ( 44 ) This may at first make them seem somewhat analogous to the predicate qualifiers , except that the noun phrase beyond the mediating verb is here the subject of the clause rather than the object as with the predicate qualifiers , and it is to the entity of this noun phrase that the property of the adjective applies .
7 Just as with the predicate qualifiers , the occupation by postverbals of a syntactic position more commonly taken by an adverb seems to accord well with the fact that a favoured form for questioning them is how ? , unless pre-empted by a question based on pragmatic categories such as what colour ? .
8 As with the Faculty scholarships , overseas students will be expected to apply for an ORS award .
9 Usually , as with the aquatint books and with Thomas Hardy , it is the book form that collectors prefer ; but with Dickens and Thackeray , among others , it is the original parts ( if complete and with all covers and advertisements ) that command big prices .
10 How far is it affected by motivation , by a clear sense of purpose , as with the microwave ovens ?
11 As with the resistance movements of occupied Europe during the Second World War , many hajduks outwardly collaborated with the occupying administration , whilst clandestinely supporting the resistance .
12 From these values it can be seen that , as with the bigram results , the Marshall equation again produces the best results .
13 As with the guberniia committees , the small Pomgol presidium conducted nearly all the business , and in considerable secrecy .
14 As with the morning papers , circulation size was no clue to profitability .
15 As with the camera units , we need a stable platform , so a Stratoscoop , Tri-D , or large Delta would be satisfactory .
16 As with the Area Boards , the materials supply situation cased considerably after 1953 , and they were able to negotiate tighter contracts with better delivery dates for the mid-1950s and after .
17 Central reforms were eventually to adjust such discrepancies , but as with the tax changes , they turned out to be blunt bureaucratic instruments not sufficiently finely tuned to local needs .
18 There was n't too much problem when everyone knew that this is what schools were meant to do — as with the priest colleges of ancient Egypt , the monasteries of Europe or Asia , or the academies of Greece or China .
19 Run the repeats at a steady tempo but , as with the hill repeats , build into the workout by running the first a little easier than the rest .
20 Thus the operation of discretion by juvenile liaison officers is structured by much the same variables as with the section police : ‘ It all depends upon their attitude . ’
21 But even more " catastrophic " deposits were to follow in the Apennines , for with the earth movements indicated by the synorogenic sediments mentioned above , there came into Italy from the west an allochthonous series of nappes .
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