Example sentences of "[subord] you have [adv] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 I understood there was talk of taking up where you 'd both left off , ’ she reminded him .
2 What about Timo Metsola 's electronics outfit in Finland — where you 've just flown back from ?
3 Group A will be using the Stanley Library which is directly opposite where you 've just had coffee , and Group C will be using the Reception Room which is back towards the Porter 's Lodge on the right hand side .
4 Although you have already learned how to hold the camcorder , the way that you stand while you are holding it is important too .
5 We guarantee you will sleep more soundly , more peacefully , more comfortably than you 've ever done before .
6 Mind you , it 's still more money than you 've ever seen in your life . ’
7 ‘ I see a lot more than you 've ever given me credit for ! ’ he retorted curtly .
8 So we proceeded on a cost plus basis , also the cost plus environment actually brings the partners together because if there are three of us working on a cost plus contract and I have a problem , my two partners rush to help me because clearly there 's some more profit for them , erm if the only difficulty with cost plus contract of course is that unless you have a a real ceiling on the total er costs that you 're going to pay , it may keep on rising far higher than you 'd ever imagined .
9 It goes without saying that when a charity do is well organized and welcoming , it can be the greatest joy and can give you a good deal more than you 'd ever anticipated .
10 And will that aircraft be less capable in its first flight than you 'd originally hoped ?
11 And will that aircraft be less capable in its first flight than you 'd originally hoped ?
12 It will bring you home , yes , but equally it will take you further from home than you have ever imagined .
13 I think ours came on the sort of third day of the riot , so you 'd already had erm Birmingham going and er i think Bristol as well , had gone by then .
14 Excellent so you 've already got percentages sorted out there , can we just look at the next block of words , and hello , hello , right , no , yeah well I , yes I I think it all went great , unfortunately erm , so I really ca n't really consider on , on that .
15 So you 've already settled for a vet to look after your animals . ’
16 So you 've already discussed my suggestion ? ’ he came back at once .
17 Going that way and er so you 've already booked your holiday time up the hospital then or not ?
18 right with an extra window , whatever about the money , like Mrs what 's her name , so you 've nearly closed her on the conservatory you do all the paper , your order close form on the conservatory and you say to her , right , cos you 're working your sums out , do you want me to include the extra window for two hundred pounds ?
19 Erm so you 've either got you know the , the , the sort of or the old people , or you 've got the young people , and that reaches back down the age range into things like child abuse which is now , you know , very er much er on the agenda .
20 So you 've just elected yourself Boss of the Beach , huh ? ’
21 I guess it 's probably just that he glide up to the second part of the diphthong , has been displaced so you 've just got the first part of it left ,
22 So you 've finally lost your last marble ’ a voice said from the far end of the room .
23 ‘ Huh ! ’ he grunted , and , she swiftly realised , must have done a lightning analysis of what she had said , because in his next breath he was commenting aggressively , ‘ So you 've definitely decided to throw Travis over ? ’
24 Well it takes , I mean if to start off with you 've got ta get rich peasants to save some surplus and then see he 's not gon na invest every single surplus in one year cos the harvest next year might be no good so you 've got the sort of vagaries of the Chinese weather situation so you 've obviously got ta sort of stock up
25 The competition is being run for five months , of which this is the fourth , so you 've still got two chances to win this holiday of a lifetime .
26 We 're talking about in excess of twenty thousand vehicles so you 've still got erm a considerable proportion , somewhere of the order of at least two thirds , which
27 What 's the point of being aggressive with somebody when they 're gon na walk away feeling as if they 've just been walked all over , so you 've still got the same situation you 've got one person walking away feeling a little bit fed up and the other person not so if you talk about assertiveness in terms of aggression and in terms of submission i.e. there 's going to be a winner and there 's going to be a loser depending which way round you look at it then you still have n't quite grasped what we mean by assertiveness .
28 So you 've never visited the palazzo before ? ’
29 Then you can keep it in there so you 've always got it . ’
30 Erm s so you 've now got the situation in modern times where people probably go out to work all day , come home at the end and do n't even know who the names of the people living next door to them .
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