Example sentences of "[subord] he had [vb pp] back " in BNC.

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1 She worried a bit if he had got back safely , but not enough to ask anyone if he had .
2 Because he had gone back to the woodlands where the trees were .
3 He continued up the hill , and she went on down ; but a few paces further on she stopped and looked back , and it was at that precise moment that it happened , because he had turned back as well and for a few moments they looked longingly at each other , each tongue-tied , but each sure , now , of the other 's feelings .
4 He had that look he used to get on Saturday mornings after he had come back from the shops .
5 And only after he had paid back every penny of his debt on the new barrow and been left with hardly any spare cash to talk of did he begin to realise just how good a costermonger the old fellow must have been .
6 Joe was trying to be bright and cheerful , but there was a deep undercurrent of sadness , and later , when he had gone back to his office , Dana said : ‘ I think he 's terribly lonely . ’
7 But when he had fought back the overwhelming urge to ring the police and have criminal charges brought against his secretary , he had realised he could use this to his advantage .
8 When he had come back from Grasmere the first thing he had done — despite George Wood 's vehement protests — was to pay back the loan and bring his hotel bill up to the mark .
9 When he had arrived back in the cold dawn that early morning after the night with Emily , it was to find his landlady Mrs McIntosh waiting , his valise and books by her , her face severe .
10 Just as ten minutes earlier , as he had driven back to St Aldate 's , Lewis had wondered the same about Mrs Kemp ; in particular recalling the curious fact that , for a woman who had so manifestly hated her husband , she had reacted to the news of his death with such terrible distress .
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