Example sentences of "[subord] he have [vb pp] out " in BNC.

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1 It 's one topic where he has figured out a way of linking present to past that really gets fourth-years moving .
2 He is one of those individuals who has put even more back into the sport than he has taken out of it .
3 But this was a lean season for flowers , so he had gone out into the rain looking for snowdrops .
4 No idea he 's gone from being a Jewish rabbi last night and he 's he 's sort of gone okay we 'll leap now out of , so he 's leapt out of that one and he 's leapt straight into a fucking little boy 's erm body right , and he 's a mongoloid poor little soul and he 's a downs syndrome kid .
5 Once he 'd found out that I was applying to go to art school he opened up quite a bit and we began to talk .
6 Once he had put out his hand to touch her half-exposed breasts while the was washing her long , dark hair in the big bowl on the kitchen washstand .
7 General Thurman still had to receive a final green light from the president once he had worked out a plan .
8 This is where the contrast lies because unlike Theridamas is here , Tamburlaine is always extremely strong-willed , and once he has set out to do something , nothing will get in his way .
9 He 'd thought that it was a nickname , that it meant nothing special , and they 'd let him go on thinking that way until he 'd found out different .
10 Often a rent-free period is not an inducement but just a rearrangement of the overall rent , or reflects the fact that the tenant can not put the building into use until he has carried out certain work .
11 They reckon there was a load of fallen branches lying under the air shaft before we pushed the guy down it ; according to the young cop who first went down it looked like he 'd crawled out from the middle of the pile .
12 It would have been a little more civilised if he had pointed out that she was a guest at the hacienda , instead of sitting here with that look on his face .
13 A challenge perhaps , but heaven knows what Mr Donovan 's fans would have done with their bedroom posters if he had turned out to be gay .
14 But if they backed Sutton at least they stood a chance of controlling him — even if he had turned out to be , as some thought , a bit of a duffer .
15 It would n't have mattered if he had turned out to be a Celtic supporter at that decisive moment because I had the Celtic team on my tongue all ready to trot out , starting with Kennaway , Cook , McGonigle .
16 Turning , she found Fernand at her side , as if he had risen out of the earth .
17 And if he had meted out to Elise the same unpredictable treatment , the same highs and lows , then it was n't beyond the bounds of possibility that he was the kind of man who made a girl , driven beyond all logic , all reason , decide that life without him was no longer worth living .
18 It was as if he had blocked out that part of his life and was only interested in talking about the future .
19 I think the show would have been less timid if he had sought out more of the artists in their 20s who nowadays keep coming up in mixed exhibitions in Liverpool , Birmingham , Leeds , Whitechapel and so on .
20 Though Sam was the younger of the two , he was not afraid of giving Carl a hard kick on the tochas ( arse ) if he had stepped out of line .
21 Eric Verrico was the one who most frequently posed , for , looking as if he had stepped out of a Caravaggio , he was the most beautiful of Johnny 's Circus .
22 They only saw him : it was very sudden , just as if he had materialized out of thin air .
23 If he had set out to prove that the passionate interlude on the road this morning had been genuine on his part he had certainly succeeded .
24 He had let out a number of slow deep breaths as if he had got out of a tight corner , but no sooner had he entered the room again than Lizzie said , ‘ Does Maggie know of this ? ’
25 It was almost as if he 'd reached out to clasp her hand in his plea for help , and she knew she 'd wanted to give him a lift .
26 Lorton wondered if he 'd chickened out at the last moment .
27 Where 's Ben only if he 's locked out he 'll be going hell like mad in a minute .
28 And er I told them that er I was n't p p p prepared er because they was there during the day as well , it did n't used to across to catch the school bus , and be half a dozen or so come back next door , and stop there till about twenty past three then go back , come back over as if he 's got out the bus .
29 He goes out for about an hour on a Saturday if I , if he 's forced out I said , out oh get out please yeah they 're not the ideal things that they should be wearing , but , like because the
30 When the human voyager has freed himself from his fears and accomplished all his physiological needs , it is as if he has climbed out of a deep pit and reached the top of a high hill from where he sees a vast land stretching in every direction .
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