Example sentences of "[subord] [ex0] be a [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Where there is a predominantly yin landscape , the favourable site would be one which had yang characteristics , such as Glastonbury Tor , or the sacred aboriginal site of Ayers Rock in Australia , both prominent features rising out of a flat plain .
2 In reactors where there is a little organic matter , the fission products are trapped on clay minerals , but these have been less effective than bitumen — about 30 per cent of the ND has been lost and other lanthanides have migrated away from the core .
3 The window I am sitting beside overlooks the back garden , where there is a perpetually erected bonfire , old cuttings , window sashes and a few wardrobe doors .
4 The local stability condition ( 8–43 ) implies therefore that the capital labour ratio is reduced where there is a strictly positive elasticity of substitution between c 1 and c 2 .
5 At one site , where there is a particularly brilliant display , the soil is pH8 , quite determinedly on the alkaline side of neutral ( pH7 ) .
6 Since what was , in fact , a remarkably brief reign as the seeming Generalmusikdirektor of Europe ( in the late 1950s Karajan held important posts simultaneously in Vienna , Berlin , Salzburg , Milan , and London ) , he was to some extent suspect in English-speaking countries , where there is a naturally healthy distrust of cultural super-heroes , of the idea of the conductor as Übermensch .
7 The middle river from Carrbridge to Balnaan Bridge is a more gentle proposition , initially fast flowing with less bouldery bed down to what remains of Dalrachney footbridge where there is a long grade I+/II rapid with several routes , all of which go .
8 This may not be feasible where there is a very large number of candidates , but if people have got through the original application forms stage of selection it will be worth making an effort to see them in person .
9 In regions where there is a very distinctive form of metalwork , an extreme example being the disc brooches of Kent , the distribution might be suitable for analysis as the problems concerning the measurement of similarity are less important .
10 The line runs on the ex-L.N.W.R. which is rebuilt to the Berne loading gauge and runs from Peterborough to Yarwell Junction with the H.Q. at Wansford Station , Stibbington , where there is a very good museum .
11 What of the future of Bosnia , in particular , where there is a very complicated cocktail of ethnic mixes ?
12 The company 's argument was that under s 45(3) an employer need only offer alternative employment ‘ where there is a suitably available vacancy ’ .
13 More rain would jeopardise Sandown 's fixture , where there is a 2pm inspection today .
14 The prospect of violence is greatest where there is a roughly equal division of support for and against the strike .
15 Such benefits are not typically approached where there is a much greater reliance on the external labour market as a source of recruitment .
16 Where there is a relatively small hole in the board , such as where a light fitting has been removed , you only need a small piece of plasterboard slightly larger than the hole .
17 At Oxford … where there 's a somewhat older university … some students are quite specific about what makes the right course for them
18 yep it 's just that some of the cottages tend to be a bit smaller so that it might well be that we can get you something where there 's a perhaps ground floor extension or whatever okay .
19 So below an area with a very high biological activity , where there 's a very large amount of calcium carbonate raining down , the C C D will be deeper because it will take that much longer for this material that 's rained down to actually dissolve .
20 In selecting the area to be defended , those responsible , presumably military engineers , chose the most convenient and economical line , and where there was a well planned core of gridded streets , this was not too difficult ; the real problem was the case of settlements which were long strips of ribbon development along a road .
21 The riots occurred in places which were strongholds of Tory Anglicanism , but where there was a highly visible and influential Dissenting presence .
22 This was most graphically illustrated by what has become known as the Cleveland Controversy , where there was a very rapid increase in referrals of cases of suspected child abuse in the summer of 1987 .
23 In initial stages , as reported for both Xenopus and mouse embryos treated with retinoic acid , we find that although there is a clearly defined segment in the r3 position , the r3 stripe of Krox-20 expression is absent .
24 Although there is a well developed theory of how these devices learn and solve problems , there is n't any very useful theory of how they represent their learned knowledge .
25 Although there is a reasonably good correlation between the major climatic and particular weathering zones , the correspondence becomes very weak in more mountainous areas where topographic factors can become predominant .
26 Although there is a very wide range of coldwater fish which may be kept in a garden pond the majority of pondkeepers choose Orfe or some of the many varieties of goldfish .
27 Platelet-specific protein levels have been compared in diabetics with and without clinical evidence of vascular disease ( Betteridge et al , 1981 ) , and although there was a more pronounced increase in diabetics with retinopathy , those diabetics without clinical evidence of vascular disease still had higher levels of platelet-specific proteins than controls suggesting that the enhanced platelet activation may not just be a consequence of vascular damage but may precede its development .
28 It is also the computer with the widest range of software available for business applications , so there is a very wide range of other software .
29 There is a small beach and as the beach can not be reached by traffic , so there is a really relaxed , holiday feel .
30 Following , from what was said there we know that there 's , that there 's a limited pot for mental health because that 's the way it 's going to be , we 've been told that so there 's a real big job for women
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