Example sentences of "[subord] [indef pn] [vb -s] to [be] " in BNC.

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1 The stories read as distillations of the life or experience of ordinary people ( working people , lower-middle-class and also the ‘ emarginated ’ , the young , the unemployed , the old ) plucked from a grey background where nothing appears to be going on .
2 ‘ We do not choose this condition any more than someone chooses to be a diabetic , ’ he said .
3 Charities have little money to spend on fees , so nobody wants to be seen looking after them .
4 And , although nobody wishes to be exploited with low wages and very difficult conditions , it is frankly better to find the ways and means of presenting yourself somehow , than not perform at all .
5 In an article in the TES ( 14/9/90 ) Mary Castle claimed that there are fourteen local authorities that insist their schools should have no direct contact with journalists , so one needs to be clear about the LEA regulations before giving a story about the school to the press .
6 ‘ She 's rather old , so one has to be frightfully careful , but I know you will be .
7 I do n't anybody absolutely rowdy and out of it if somebody 's to be perfectly honest .
8 If somebody has to be here , I 'd rather it was you . ’
9 Nevertheless , there are delays in discharge at the moment , often caused by silly things like a lack of commodes , and the nurses worry that if everything has to be in place before discharge then there will be more delays .
10 Yes , I wanted to emphasise the way some men feel constrain before , not because I want to suggest it 's now becoming a problem for men and we should be worrying about them , but because you asked what prospects there were for doing something about it and I think if something 's to be done about it , and it 's a problem of everyone devising new standards of behaviour , it 's very important that quite large numbers of men should be prepared to play a part in trying to work out what these standards should be , and there is quite substantial interest in trying to do that , both at the level of the teaching staff at the university and at the level of the undergraduates .
11 If something needs to be done , like a murder or a retaliatory bomb outrage , those in charge do not conceal their wishes behind fine phrases .
12 For instance , someone contemplating a sentence like the following ( from an issue of Women 's Journal ) might be excused for suspecting that so-called ‘ natural gender ’ is natural only if one happens to be male :
13 If one wants to be powerful , it is useful to appear invulnerable ; such things as crying , showing emotion and expressing intimacy connote weakness .
14 If one wants to be accepted as a mainstream , serious film-maker it does n't strike me , if I were in that position , as a shrewd career move .
15 I am informed that the Clarion Cry is the thing to read if one wishes to be in the know . ’
16 If anyone needs to be convinced about the need to release the money for grants , it is the hon. Gentleman 's right hon. Friend , Commissioner Millan , who is now attacking the additionality rules that he defended when he was Secretary of State for Scotland .
17 If anyone claims to be making a factual statement , then they ought to be able to state what observations would be relevant to determining the truth or falsity of that statement .
18 If anyone claims to be from the Gas Board , Electricity Board , council , or any such body , keep the chain on the door and tell them that you only admit such people by appointment .
19 ‘ So if anyone wants to be on television in America , they 'd better be at my party . ’
20 If everything seems to have been fixed in place try tilting the picture at a slight angle to see if anything seems to be slipping .
21 Playing football , telling a joke or making model aeroplanes are normally seen as second-order experiences , unless one happens to be a professional footballer , a comedian or a model aeroplane manufacturer .
22 But it has only been half successful because everyone wants to be able to go everywhere .
23 In fact , as early as October 1 , when your ruler Neptune is challenged by Jupiter in Cancer , you will realise that money is really only half the battle or problem you 're facing this month — because someone appears to be breaking all the rules , if not breaking your heart .
24 Others said they had now decided to speak out because something has to be done .
25 But since nobody wants to be a cop in Poland these days — the pay stinks , and the people hate you — those occasions are few .
26 The problem here is that , since one needs to be in place long before sunrise , in order to prepare for the shot , one can not walk directly to the site .
27 The problem here is that , since one needs to be in place long before sunrise , in order to prepare for the shot , one can not walk directly to the site .
28 It turns out to be a surprisingly exact science , in which ten or fifteen minutes are spent deliberating over whether someone deserves to be graded ‘ adequate ’ or ‘ limited ’ for their motivation or their ability to organize .
29 Provided that an object is conceived to be real , reactions to it are the same in kind whether one happens to be perceiving or imagining it ; and if in the latter case one reacts less strongly , that is because one is also less aware of it .
30 Over against heaven is hell , separation from God , and again there is a wide variety of views as to whether one has to be ‘ actively bad ’ or just unconverted to be in hell after death .
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