Example sentences of "[subord] [pers pn] do not seem " in BNC.

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1 Her house was always freezing cold in winter , although she did not seem to notice it .
2 ( Although she did not seem so very surprised . )
3 Although she did not seem to be listening , Dexter knew from experience that she would remember everything important he had told her .
4 On Friday evening , we were visited by six or seven of the Chinese participants in the Friendship Hotel , and chatted with them in a relaxed manner , although they did n't seem keen on accepting whisky !
5 Moreover , the decorative features of the temple ( carvings of palmtrees , capitals like lilies , capitals festooned with network , pomegranates , and open flowers ) are all prominent in the repertory of St Polyeuktos , although they do not seem to have been current in contemporary Byzantine sculpture .
6 Although they do not seem to have been familiar with the work of Saussure , Wimsatt and Brooks here might appear to be approaching his principle that the meaning of words is purely conventional and arbitrary .
7 Except he does n't seem to be in any sort of world .
8 This guitar 's sound is quite full , although it does n't seem to project particularly well — not a problem if you consider that the nature of the beast is part electric .
9 But investigations into the leaking of sensitive material from Washington had narrowed down to Maclean as chief suspect , and it seems that Burgess was detailed , probably by Philby , who was still in Washington , to warn him and organize his escape , although it does not seem to have been intended that Burgess should go too .
10 The TV playback showed that Southall had held the ball for 13 seconds , although it did not seem as long at the time .
11 It is surprising to hear that Mill does n't hold this view that he thinks that erm the moral health of the citizens is of concern to the government and it actually gives , although he does n't seem to recognize this , this gives a hostage to fortune to his conservative critics because of course they can say , did say that liberalism was very damaging of er morality of the public and so we need a far more restrictive type of regime than Mill allows us .
12 Dustin played a timid bank clerk who dreams of being a ladies ' man , although he does not seem to be short of girlfriends .
13 A bad sign for Salter , although he did not seem to know it .
14 Quite a respectable neighbourhood , although he did not seem like a man of business .
15 If they do not seem to be doing too well , or if you have seen all you want to see , let the collected animals free again in the pond or other place from which you first took them .
16 That was up , cos they do n't seem to play with that much now .
17 And if it does n't seem to be there ask Phil because , you know that is that only by asking him that I discovered that these worked last week .
18 To light it at arms length and then to stand well away while it fires and never return to a firework if it does n't seem to go off .
19 And so far , with our results , it looks as if it does not seem to have a major impact on our patients , so we may be doing something that does n't er particularly help the patients , and this is very important since we spend a lot of time doing these sorts of er procedures in our patients .
20 ‘ I 'D MAKE this Single Of The Week if it did n't seem such a wilfully perverse thing to do .
21 Do n't make the baby finish the whole bottle if he does n't seem to want it .
22 Well there is a fair bit John because I do n't seem to have all this round about way at work to be honest with you .
23 And I 'm effectively shut up because I 've been kicked out of my job and a ] so because you do n't seem to have heard a word I 've been saying . ’
24 got an enormous amount to do with Opran because you do n't seem to understand the way the drug companies work .
25 Ophelia is often ignored for audition material simply because she does n't seem to have much in the way of a sustained speech until she goes mad .
26 This woman would be the one in the attic , the one nobody paid for , the one they fed because they had to and treated like filth because she did n't seem to notice or care .
27 I say I 'll be back by lunch-time , but I ca n't tell if she believes me , because she do n't seem to have heard a word I said .
28 ‘ I feel I 've had an enormous advantage over a lot of comedy writers , because they do n't seem to realize how difficult it is .
29 I ca n't get into the mind of some of the present batch of legislators , because they do n't seem to think thinks out logically , but what it 's actually done , or what it 's trying to do , is to make it very difficult to have an education system that is properly thought out , properly resourced and properly organized for the benefit of everybody and not just one or two people , and that 's one of the difficulties and that 's the difficulty that we any Local Authority is faced with .
30 ‘ And after the tonsils something else happened ? ’ she said , looking for more , because he did n't seem a man to make a fuss over tonsils , but he evaded her and said only , ‘ Foul year . ’
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