Example sentences of "[subord] [pers pn] do [vb infin] you " in BNC.

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1 So he does want you back ? ’
2 And if I do anger you , what are you going to do with me , eh , have me beaten to an inch of my life ?
3 I 'm not going to do what he wants even if I do fancy you .
4 He says , the wicked are like the tossing sea , and you know , as far the bible is concerned , the wicked is not necessarily the man or the woman who does terrible deeds , the wicked is not necessarily who is , who is a murderer , or a child molesterer , or a thief or or or a wife beater or something like that , the wicked is the person who rejects God , who turns their back on God , who says thank you , I can go through my life without , I do n't need you , I do n't even believe you exist , and even if I do believe you exist I 'm gon na do things my way , I 'm gon na go through life as I choose .
5 ‘ And tell me , Miss Lea , just what would you do about it if I did touch you ?
6 I said that I think you 'll find , Ron that Trudy if she married would have to give up her late husband 's occupational widow 's pension so that the way you 're going on now , where you go and stay with her for two or three days at a time is far better oh no , no , no , she 'll be able to keep her pension I said I very much doubt it then I said people are so jealous that if she does marry you and he does n't tell the firm I bet that one of her dear neighbours will oh no they 're all very nice people round where she lives , I thought there 's no good arguing with Ron !
7 I fancy giving the orders for a change and letting someone like you take the risks for me. — Besides , if she did suspect you , you can always tell the old cow that Marie nicked it , ca n't you ? — The money 's in a drawer , see .
8 after three or four years they thought they might move so , we said well take out a P S P cos that provides a savings vehicle , and if you do move you can use that as part of the mortgage increase .
9 Plants are not necessary and are n't a natural occurrence in Lake Tanganyika , but if you do feel you want plant life in your tank try Java Fern and Anubias .
10 I 'm sure that you would want to talk this over , but if you do feel you can consider it ’ — she was still addressing Aggie ‘ I could ask my cousin to keep the position open for a week or two .
11 So er I mean if you , if you , you know , if you do feel you 're looking better I mean you look , you know
12 Just means that if you do go you
13 If you do decide you want one , ask you local fire brigade 's Fire Prevention Officer for advice on which to buy .
14 As we 've seen , it 's usually fairly easy to correct if you do find you 've inadvertently moved the incorrect point cam .
15 And if you do find you still love this girl , I 'll take it on the chin , as Judd would say .
16 Even if you do claim you went up there to do him in !
17 And then er er but it was this was fixed right above , then you could , reach if you did feel you hand getting caught , you could slide it off and stop the p switch it onto loose pulley immediately .
18 And if they did give you the sack you would be walked away to the army I expect .
19 Possibly if they did tell you something then it was likely to be made up because children did n't know it was wrong to lie .
20 Erm yeah so say all you need is just access to that field so if they do change you can just
21 If they do respond you may be able to see if they approach it with caution or with carelessness .
22 come up and insult you if it does n't bother you , you wo n't say a thing , but if it does bother you 'll come back and re say something back .
23 As the B-1R is , after all , designed to be racked , it looks a bit daft sitting on top of the 4x10 , even if it does allow you to whack all the necessary connections together in about thirty seconds flat .
24 Erm so where would he be meaning to go if he does let you
25 Still that 's why you go to sleep cos it does knock you out .
26 Because I do miss you Elsie I miss you more than I can say .
27 It 's quite simply because I do love you … so much .
28 Because I do love you , you know .
29 I do n't think it means you have to be completely loyal to them , because I do believe you can sometimes take enjoyment in a friend 's small difficulties .
30 But he would n't be letting you use your time if you were that poor at it because they do build you up very slowly .
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