Example sentences of "[subord] [pers pn] have [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Lili and I were silent and I wondered for a moment how I would be feeling if I was going to marry the man I loved — had loved , I amended in my mind , for surely even I could n't be so idiotic as to love still where I had met with such treachery .
2 As for myself , I was back where I had begun in Opposition .
3 Then I was promoted to assistant cashier at the Wandsworth branch where I had to deal with the toll accounts to go to head office as well as the share accounts and the dividends .
4 The area deserved a better treatment : I had not done justice to a part of northern England where I had wandered as a youngster and often visited later , developing an affection that has persisted into old age .
5 The questions of who I was , where I had come from and where I was going struck them with confusion .
6 Where I had come from , in the English provinces , the markets were quite small , and reserved for food .
7 To be frank with you , I 've never found a space in a lead break where I 've felt like using a whammy move . ’
8 And that includes the London School of Economics , where I 've lectured for years . ’
9 That , and my only tape , ‘ Shepherd Moons ’ , reminding me of where I 've been and where I 've come from .
10 I 'm just back from the railway station , where I have deposited in Left Luggage a small brown parcel containing one Smith & Wesson and two dozen rounds , and I have detoured on the way back to buy three more shirts , some underpants and some socks .
11 [ But ] I do n't want an agreement where I have to apply to court to get them out .
12 Shannon named the television station where she 'd worked before turning freelance , and the other woman pursed her lips thoughtfully .
13 And all the time , she thought as she sat at her desk nursing the remains of her hangover , Angy had been dead in her little one-room flat , alone and open-eyed , lying where she had fallen with the knife in her throat and her lifeblood flooding her lungs .
14 She could n't eat any of her meal and went off to school where she had to sit alongside Mr Clark 's daughter .
15 Beg at Duart gate to be let in , where she had ruled till two hours ago ?
16 She was exhausted , and her bruises , where she had tumbled on the floor , ached uncomfortably .
17 Some of the more difficult cases turned up at her office , where she had to cope without professional help .
18 She had already spent an hour weeding and was determined to uproot a particularly tough dandelion ; then coffee , then the weekend shopping and then off to the sailing club where she had enrolled for a course of lessons in board-sailing .
19 It was so much more congenial than the flat near Victoria — unsuitably dominated by Westminster Cathedral — where she had lived with her mother .
20 She is also a great letter-writer , a hangover no doubt from years at boarding school , where she had to write to both parents every week .
21 Twelve days before her death Mrs Gilfoyle had started maternity leave from the Champion Spark Plug factory , where she had worked for 17 years .
22 None of them knew that she had been with the FBI for two years , where she had specialized in the use of firearms , before joining UNACO three years ago .
23 My mother was reading to me from A Sporting Trip Through Abyssinia , and I can remember exactly where she had got to in the book when , thinking I looked feverish , she took my temperature and put me to bed .
24 Neighbours complained that 90-year-old Gladys Mills was making too much noise at her flat in Weymouth , Dorset , where she has lived for 12 years .
25 Maude 's telegram from the Queen was also expected this morning at Trees Park Village , near Middleton St George , where she has lived for the last seven years .
26 MORAG MACDONALD Company secretary at the Post Office , where she has worked for 22 years .
27 She teaches in a middle school where she has worked for many years .
28 ‘ Any idea where she 's got to ? ’
29 Out where you 've come from ?
30 Now apart from by taking land from the landlords which is pretty in unspecific , all of the others are , are s are straight , very moderate , very limited acquisitions and then if you go on where you 've got ta protect the middle peasant etcetera , then they are really very low key methods , you , you , you would not see that I think as being the return to land reform .
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