Example sentences of "[subord] [pers pn] be [verb] into " in BNC.

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1 Perhaps the biggest area of misunderstanding here is in our approach to our American customers and competitors , where we are lulled into complacency by our similar language .
2 Eventually they end up at a reprocessing plant where they are ground into tiny flakes , washed and dried .
3 The beetles burrow under the dead animals , removing the earth from below so that the animals sink down into the soil , where they are rolled into balls for the reception of the beetles ' eggs and developing larvae .
4 The full ones are taken back to Sanipet 's processing area — a rented building on a farm in nearby Hatfield Woodhouse — where they are emptied into a hopper .
5 ‘ Those found guilty were returned to Changi Jail where they were put into condemned cells to await their fate of execution , mainly by hanging .
6 Far to the Major 's north , in Brussels , a detachment of Highland soldiers had been ordered to the Duke of Richmond 's house , where they were shown into the dazzling ballroom hung with the Belgian colours .
7 Her fingertips were numb where they were pressing into the stone wall behind her .
8 For no apparent reason , the children and driver were herded into vans and taken to a remote rock quarry where they were sealed into an underground cavern .
9 Three years later , in 1976 , he moved to the UKAEA 's Harwell Laboratory where he was recruited into a newly-formed section called Future Developments Group , investigating long term opportunities for Harwell , including biotechnology and marine technology .
10 The best part of the town is on the south bank of the Adour , where it is divided into two by Bayonne 's other river , the Nive , which enters from the south , from the mountains .
11 Graham Connah 's excavations in 1964 , for the Department of Antiquities , revealed that tin-bronze was available in 13th-century Benin where it was cast into ingots in open moulds before being smithed into bracelets .
12 Illegally poached ivory is smuggled out of Africa via the United Arab Emirates and , up until mid-1989 , was sold on to Japan , Hong Kong , Taiwan , Korea and Singapore where it was made into trinkets , carvings and piano keys .
13 Although I was baptized into the Methodist faith I used to prefer the church service because it did n't go on so long .
14 He started then with the money , because he had the giro , so I was getting into a mess again , was n't I. So for a couple of weeks we were paid separately .
15 Although she was facing into the room , Karen said , ‘ You do n't drive a green Merc , do you , Sam ? ’
16 A civil society is a natural organism like the family and just as we 're born into a family , so we 're born into a civil society .
17 I arrived just after dinner at night , so we were taken into the kitchen and sat down at a huge table on which were chicken legs , lamb chops , steak , dishes of three or four veg and told to help ourselves and did we !
18 For this purpose , it employs some of the methodological techniques of conversation analysis , although they are recruited into a slightly different theoretical cause than in the hands of the conversation analysts
19 For instance , a married couple may want a bigger and better house , so they are motivated into purchasing one .
20 Later of course as up this early infantile attitude where you idolize your parents becomes replaced by a more rational and so on , but Freud 's finding was that this early attitude in childhood does n't get er abolished , it just gets repressed , it 's forced out of conscious because you true and of course things that are not true have to be removed consciousness , but they can not be erased , so they 're forced into the unconscious and they live in the unconscious and they feed myths like the Myth of the Birth of the Hero and all of us in our er erm in our er conscious see the hero as a , as a parental figure that reflects the family romance , the idea that once we were , we were a special child with very special parents .
21 However , the Committee did emphasize the need for a much wider range of accommodation than had been provided before the war , and so they were drawn into the sharp debate about densities and preferences as between flats and houses — and this is where the link with the Ministry of Town and Country Planning proved so important .
22 Furthermore , unless the exclusive control for the welfare of the children and young people is transferred to the residential sector once they are received into care , then some division of labour is inevitable and necessitates decisions about when fieldwork ends and residential work begins .
23 The second way is to use systems of logical , arithmetic and statistical tests on the data once they are entered into a computer .
24 It now seems easier for Scots to get into a Great Britain senior team than it is to get into the Commonwealth Games team .
25 After a long while , he smiled against her mouth , then drew back just enough so he was looking into her eyes .
26 I dropped my right wing suddenly as if I were turning into the cloud and immediately swung over into a steep left hand turn .
27 so , if I was to walk into the place that was selling these
28 This made me feel a quite genuine shame and remorse although — it was as if I was torn into two separate parts both rationally and emotionally — I knew that hurt bewilderment was something I should beware of : he was my enemy who would use any art to outwit me if I could .
29 It 's permanent , but Kadan says it 's necessary , especially if I 'm going into the hot lands .
30 The only time she will sit with my mother is if she is called into the living room and the door closed behind her .
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