Example sentences of "[subord] [pers pn] must [verb] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Where she must take comfort , he insisted , was in the doctor 's assurance that there was no reason why she should not conceive again .
2 The main criticism of transcendent philosophies is that though the ideas are beautiful and those who live by their precepts can be happy , yet men ask what relevance the philosophies have for our modern world of materialism where we must make progress and raise humanity out of starvation and ignorance .
3 As Christ lived for others in his relationships , so we must serve others , not only in marriage , but in all our friendships and other relationships .
4 Quotas by definition rigidify and distort the market , so we must resist absurdities such as nitrogen and other input quotas which merely serve to raise the cost of production and undermine our ability to compete .
5 ‘ We ca n't afford to let that happen , so we must produce results now . ’
6 First , they could become very efficient by cutting unnecessary costs , although they must maintain quality .
7 Ruthless and totalitarian , of necessity , yet also in the long run cherishing the human race , although it must needs manacle the minds of men ; absolutely , as never before .
8 Jesus did it ( Luke 4 : 28–30 ) so it must make sense !
9 ‘ Yet today , if I must give reasons for the love-affair we all shared with Nigel , it is not difficult .
10 If you must exercise flights of fancy , I 'd much rather you concentrated on working out how Chatterton could have committed murder .
11 If you must play background music , keep the volume very low — your partner 's senses will be especially acute — and stick to ‘ New Age ’ music which has been composed for meditation and deep relaxation .
12 If you must read newspapers , read old ones .
13 If you must cut corners anywhere , you could get by with just one 300W heater , but please do n't be tempted to skimp on filtration .
14 If you must have chips do them thick cut , as they absorb less fat that way .
15 If you must have chapter and verse — you remember that piece I did for the Statesman ?
16 If you must use adaptors , make sure they will accept a maximum of two plugs ; those taking three put too much strain on the contacts within the socket outlet , leading to sparking and overheating .
17 If we must have manuals then this is the one , for the author still goes into the wilds to revel in the ‘ painful delights of exquisite beauty . ’
18 If we must have argument then perhaps it could be constructive .
19 But if we must have myths , the real facts about vampires could tell a different moral tale .
20 If the truth is at last unavoidable , it ran , and if it must bring consolation in its train , then surely there should be no need to dread its disclosure ?
21 So Waleran goes where his roots are , to keep them safe from being torn up , even if he must do homage to Anjou for the soil they 've been firm in for generations .
22 Third at the last fence , he passed Royal Mail and with just over a furlong to go was finishing so strongly that it looked as if he must catch Aldaniti .
23 A lot depends on women because we must show men what we are capable of .
24 However , the cell can not be surrounded by an impermeable membrane , because it must acquire substances — ‘ food ’ — from outside .
25 The state lacks integrity because it must endorse principles to justify part of what it has done that it must reject to justify the rest .
26 While we must take sin lightly we must not live as if we are unforgiven and unreconciled .
27 While we must support family rooms in those pubs which have the space and can provide suitable amusement for the little angels , this can not remain the only answer to the problem .
28 A shorter maturity date raises the effective annual yield required to justify the investment , since it must cover capital pay-back as well as interest .
29 The Supreme Court was due to rule whether he must face impeachment proceedings on corruption charges .
30 It is in these areas that the cooperation with local elected officials is closest , for they must take part in deciding what facilities are to be built to receive the workers and their families and how to finance them , then take charge of the running of the collective facilities , decide how to allocate the proceeds of the business tax , and so on .
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