Example sentences of "[subord] [pers pn] was [vb pp] to " in BNC.

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1 On Robin Tavistock 's table , where I was honoured to be seated , was a superb square birthday cake , iced in Robin 's racing colours , with fifty tiny candles in miniature gold candelabras .
2 Tumbling blearily on deck in my pyjamas I was confronted by the huge bulk of a klondyke trawler ramming alongside us , and I was just in time to see her huge fender catch our motor dory and sink her where she was tied to our stern .
3 ‘ I worked through the night to get them done and then drove to her house where she was confined to bed , ’ says Alan .
4 Seeing he was rooted to the spot , she swept out proudly — and bumped into Rizzi and Katarina .
5 In 1942 he was persuaded to go into hospital , where he was said to be schizophrenic .
6 The policeman gave chase but one of the suspects turned and shot him twice in the back w He was rushed to Homerton Hospital where he was said to be in a serious condition early today .
7 He served in India and Uganda , where he was appointed to the DSO ( 1899 ) , before joining the staff of H. H. Kitchener ( later first Earl Kitchener of Khartoum and of the Broome , q.v. ) in the Boer war , in which he was wounded in action .
8 He performed only 24 hours within the first 12 months of the order , and was brought before the Crown Court where he was found to be in breach of the order , which was revoked .
9 They moved to Cowbridge , Glamorgan , in about 1823 , where he was apprenticed to a doctor and amateur artist called Harrison .
10 A second received burns over 60pc of his body and was taken by helicopter to hospital , where he was reported to be seriously ill .
11 Born in Galway , studied at Mungret College , Limerick , where he developed a taste for rugby football , and All Hallows College , Dublin , where he was ordained to the priesthood on June 24th , 1944 .
12 He was handcuffed and taken to a locker room where he was chained to a metal grille by the arms and legs .
13 The animosity between Stratford and Kilsby was to some extent personal , yet even where it was related to principles , they were set within revealing limits of assumptions , experience and motives .
14 However , even where it was acknowledged to be still relevant — in the colonies of the European empires — the Congress of the International was no more clear .
15 It has , however , gone on to achieve wide publicity on the high rating US TV programme , 50 Minutes , where it was claimed to " take conventional wisdom about air pollution and shoot it full of holes " .
16 Although wool was not usually graded , Furness wool was listed as ‘ worst , medium , best , ’ and it went far afield by pack horses to London and Southampton , where it was exported to France and the Low Countries .
17 He said the motorcycle was new , and left near the crowded Dadar railway station in central Bombay where it was reported to police by a doctor .
18 Subsequently , the box was collected from the Pump-house and returned to Appleby Hall where it was returned to its place among the ruins .
19 To check for a developmental role for these hypersensitive sites , the presence of the transgene was tested in newborn mice and where it was shown to be expressed ( data not shown ) .
20 Although I was shackled to a radiator , my blindfold was removed and I was given a cup of water and a sweetmeat .
21 It was not thought too good at one time , so I was sent to Slough General Hospital for an X-Ray .
22 ‘ Back to bed , Julia , ’ he said in a kinder voice than she was used to in Venice .
23 Tiller was a stickler for cleanliness , so she was told to be strict in supervising their washing ( for some this was as novel an experience as appearing on stage ) .
24 It was much the same as the previous one , except it was referred to by a different name .
25 The office of Earl Marshal was to all intents and purposes the heritable property of the Howard family , although it was lost to them for several decades after the attainder of the fourth Duke of Norfolk in 1572 .
26 The fare for most of those years until 1939 was 6d ( 2½p ) , although it was increased to 9d when the tour was extended to Clifton Drive in 1932 .
27 He had heard about the Old Magic at University , although it was forbidden to wizards .
28 I understand that another television programme , dealing directly with what the Home Secretary chose not to reveal although it was known to him , is to be broadcast on Thursday .
29 For a child of five this was a terrifying experience , although it was meant to be a birthday treat .
30 That was typical of Sam : although he was acknowledged to be one of the finest seamen in the village , he was still young , and reluctant to delegate the steering to members of his crew .
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