Example sentences of "[subord] [pers pn] [was/were] [v-ing] that " in BNC.

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1 Except she was saying that you 'd actually offered her the job . ’
2 IBM Corp traditionally sends departing executives off with glowing resumees of their illustrious careers , so it was striking that the announcement late Friday that former chairman and chief executive officer John Akers had just retired from the company after 33 years was accompanied by the briefest and curtest summaries of his career — after all , the man had significant achievements behind him when he acceded to the top job , and it is arguable that many of the problems that plagued the company during Akers ' tenure were the fault of his predecessors , although it must be said that he was also in the loop at the time .
3 No it was n't it was me cos I was saying that if yo , if your pen did n't work .
4 Now , watching her , I thought that Fatima might , at this girl 's behest , change her life , her ways , and I wondered what she would do if she was hearing that she would find no husband , have no children , lose her life to Leviathan .
5 Obviously you would be ill-advised to choose a very dainty gold oval to frame a background of rough hessian or sacking , and you could be very disappointed if you were hoping that a pretty pale blue crushed velvet would create a country-style effect .
6 So have you , have you have you now persuaded yourself that perhaps you 're over optimistic about I mean cos you were suggesting that attitudes had changed
7 The next year the eight to the final year , there 's sixteen the next year until we were getting that the two year course was just as big as the old one year course .
8 Erm , although I think we will say that that would be dangerous thing to do and that we should continue to work upon the er the assumption that there erm er overall as a n , a nine percent increase , but , that seems highly unlikely that will succeed , erm What I 've then done is take account of the various staffing changes that there have been during the year , both short term and long term , erm , and you 'll see that produces a figure actually available to us this year of twenty seven thousand five hundred and eighty eight investigative hours , erm which is slightly less than we had last year , er but erm almost not significantly so , erm and it seemed to me therefore that if we were n't trying to reduce times , er , if we were saying that we would turn in times at the end of this year which were the same as the term times we turned in at the end of last year we could probably achieve that without any further recruitment .
9 but when I was eleven years old I did n't look at the sixth form and do jus just because they were doing something I wanted to do it , I might have admired them but if they were smoking that would n't make me want to smoke .
10 Yeah I know but if they were saying that he was , I do n't think he was .
11 A lip turned up at the towel in her hair , as if he was remembering that first time they 'd seen each other , but the quirk of that lip was cruel .
12 No but if he was saying that about Hunan well what chance do we stand if we 're not even , you know
13 Martin Jackson watched the mating for a short while , the boar 's bulk shoving , the sow bearing him , as if he were seeing that savage , ludicrous event for the first time .
14 Matza would clearly be wrong , on the other hand , if he were implying that it was inherently impossible for a corrective stance to acknowledge the ‘ patent tenability and durability of deviant enterprise ’ .
15 I had a paper to say and they said there was too much money coming in here a week , because you were working that I could n't get anything and I , it said , I wrote , it , it all come when I wrote to say could I have relief off of prescriptions cos I was on that H I V at the time
16 And because she was remembering that , when Albert said , ‘ It 's her ring , is n't it ? ’ she was n't altogether surprised , only felt a little , shivery shock , as if something she had been half-expecting to happen , had happened at last .
17 With the others I felt … on the same side as them because they were saying that they had been tortured themselves in a way , had been turned into animals , tools .
18 Yeah , I mean that seems a plausible way of getting into the , er the job market , er what would Harrison Todaro erm say , you know , because they were saying that this migration , this migration was perfectly rational , despite there being high levels of unemployment .
19 Valerie Jones of London ( Letters NI 198 ) criticizes you for not wholeheartedly supporting Sendero Luminoso ( A shining path of blood ) in Peru , while I was thinking that you were not sufficiently unequivocal in your condemnation of Sendero Luminoso .
20 But suddenly , even while she was hoping that the hotel would ring for a taxi for her , she saw , she would swear , Ven Gajdusek 's mouth twitch .
21 Oddly enough , it was not during one of these silences but while she was talking that her eyes closed and her shallow breathing became deeper .
22 We filled that and while they were eating that we kept the hay , hay , cut it through a rick , a big thin knife , you know , fill the remainder of the racks with the hay , so that by the time they 'd gone and finished that they 'd gone in to eat the hay , then we 'd got the yard free to litter it out , and to straw it on both sides , one would be on the , one down on the bottom to pull straw down into the yard , and that was .
23 It was while he was dithering that the headmaster said :
24 An artificial log glowed in the manorial fireplace and I wondered whether she was admitting that it was n't really very nice now , and how often Syl felt it as an obligation to take his mother for drives around the countryside .
25 Yeah well changes platforms of all these trains , anyway after a bit we decided that the Redditch train was going to come in before the train , so , er they did n't change it to say it was n't going to Redditch cos once when I was doing that they said to me , the lad was it , because it 's not to ready to change that time , you would n't matter , cos oh there 's people here waiting to go to Redditch , change it , so he said oh anyway it came , the twelve six came all the young folks going to you should of seen the number that had got off
26 fucking , fucking crap and as I was saying that my voice broke and I walked off and I started crying
27 that 's another story with a an unusual ending cos I 'd have thought when you were saying that he was n't that he did n't give them the
28 you you talk er you know , when you were saying that you 'd erm you 'd sold an endless succession of of things , wh wh when you bought things , er you know when when you were married , it was there always that element in it that it was here for a just
29 Though she was wishing that , after all , she 'd taken a seat , for she suspected he was rather enjoying letting her stew in her own juice .
30 But the same time as we were hearing that we should be cutting back , the news was also full of adverts .
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