Example sentences of "[subord] [pers pn] [vb past] [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Needing a moment 's breathing-space , she took a side-step or two away , and had a brief inner tussle where she came close to telling him that Travis was not her boyfriend , and had never been her boyfriend .
2 Sally-Anne 's own preserve was the kitchen , where she ate either at the kitchen table , or , when that was full , at a small card table which was folded up and put away when she had finished .
3 They passed close to her , where she crouched still in the bushes .
4 The other linguists all retained lasting interest in their subject without building careers on it : Lorna Bottomley joined the temporary Civil Service ( Ministry of Education ) after the war , enjoyed educational administration and in 1947 moved to become Assistant Secretary at the Westminster Medical School where she remained contentedly until retirement in 1982 .
5 On Saturday afternoons , Clare pushed Josh 's collapsible canvas pram up Sloane Street towards Kensington Gardens , where she mixed happily with other children and working mothers .
6 We found a neat village south of Peterlee called Elwick , complete with tree-decked , green , Tabatha Twitchet shop and two super pubs , where we lived uneasily for three years .
7 In the event I was shown into a small room with Her Majesty , where we sat together for some twenty minutes chatting amiably about almost anything under the sun .
8 A cops and robbers chase through the docks with our official mini caught him in the act of phoning home , where we arrived just in time to stop his wife disposing of a large bag of goodies .
9 Now it seemed as if his arms tapered all the way down to his fingertips where they lay lightly on the wheel of the Audi .
10 Women were first recruited into the RUC in 1944 , and were restricted to Belfast and Londonderry , where they dealt exclusively with offences against children and women .
11 It drew the hungry child from his bed to the landing , where he glanced nervously at the Bogeyman 's room before creeping on tip-toe along the strip of faded carpet .
12 He told Stephanie to put her feet up and went into the kitchen for solitude , where he began purposefully on the dishes .
13 The problem is that the man seems to have been shot indoors , somewhere where he felt sufficiently at home to take his jacket and tie off … ’
14 Noguchi tried in vain to construct an earthwork sculpture at a Japanese-American internment camp where he lived voluntarily for a time during World War II .
15 The villagers tied up his wounds as best they could and carried him thirty miles , non-stop , to the Haldwani hospital , where he died shortly after admission .
16 Chilperic 's wish to appear as a cultivated monarch is not in question ; he wrote poetry , however badly , and he showed some interest in such issues as the alphabet , to which he wished to add four letters , and in theology , where he came close to heresy , when he decided to abolish the distinctions between the persons of the Trinity .
17 My friend went on down the winding road for about two miles , finishing at the quayside , where he rapped smartly on a door .
18 He said from the bed , where he lay already on his side , ‘ No matter .
19 On his way he passed the church , where he looked closely at the old tower door .
20 In the autumn he fished and shot in Scotland ; in the winter he skied in Gstaad or St Moritz , where he invested heavily in hotels .
21 Edward made himself a cup of tea and vanished to the Britches , where he stayed late into the dusk .
22 His appreciation of Chinese food was nurtured at his mother 's table and also at his uncle 's Chinese restaurant where he worked part-time from the age of 11 .
23 Fleming went on to describe how the nasal secretions of the patient ( himself , in fact ) were cultured , and how a round microbe or coccus first grew and then was destroyed where it came close to the nasal secretion .
24 One had mange so badly it was nearly bald : it moped around , scratching the exposed pink skin that had cracked and flaked where it stretched briefly over the jutting spine and ribcage .
25 Iago slung his harp over his shoulder , where it carried snugly under his cloak on horseback , and hunched one shoulder slightly under the cape of his capuchon when he went afoot in England .
26 The canal age effectively began in south-west Lancashire where it developed naturally from improvements to the river navigations serving Liverpool and Manchester .
27 The towpath proper did n't start until a few yards further down where it angled away from the road and followed the river ; here it was marked by a narrow strip of waterside grass and trees that would immediately raise the cost of any overlooking property by at least ten thousand .
28 The Cabinet did behave as a Cabinet and although I said earlier about the Treasury being forced to disgorge information when the DEA existed , that was n't the case to the same extent in 1976 .
29 And er this erm tt As I say this old man , he he he 'd did n't like coming in too soon in the morning , and er a I could see he was finding it a bit difficult to find both our wages out of his money , although I got there to time and worked .
30 CLR had also been a Trotskyist so I identified greatly with him . ’
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