Example sentences of "[subord] [pers pn] [vb past] [pers pn] the " in BNC.

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1 The lady prioress glowered at me , shrugged , and with ill grace took me back to her own chamber across the cloister garden where she poured me the smallest goblet of wine I had ever seen .
2 After drawing a blank on Rhodes , I had to write something that justified my travelling expenses , so I made you the villain of the piece .
3 I went around being nice to children for a while , being a sort of modern Pied Piper , but I learnt that they 're a manipulative lot and crazy for money , literally crazy for it , so I gave them the elbow .
4 But Mary was out so I gave him the letter and began to tell him about the trouble at home .
5 So you gave him the key .
6 He looked like a wild thing so we called him the Yeti .
7 She declined There was something else she needed from the van so he gave her the keys .
8 Tom could see this so he gave me the key to his hotel room and told me to have a shower and put on some of his clothes .
9 I have looked after his books for forty years and that 's all I know , so he gave me the capital to start and here I am . ’
10 Some , however , did receive Him and believed in Him ; so he gave them the right to become God 's children .
11 ‘ Oh , as usual , except- ’ She stopped and she turned to look at him , but she could n't make out his face in the darkness of the wood , so it gave her the courage to say , ‘ I 'm worried , Charlie .
12 I know my father would raise a terrific stink if I told him the Headmistress had grabbed me by the hair and slung me over the playground fence . ’
13 ‘ Tell me , ’ he complained , ‘ what would be your reaction if I told you the moon just fell out of the sky ? ’
14 As I believe that you both did , when you were my age — if you can remember so far back — but I knew you would prevent me from doing so if I told you the truth . ’
15 ‘ You would n't come out here if I sent you the money for the air ticket , would you ? ’
16 Well I suppose I 'm sure Adrian wo n't mind if I paid him the day after or a week after or something .
17 If I was outside , she said she could telephone me every day for nothing , if I gave her the number of a phone box and arranged to be there for a certain time …
18 All he wants to do is to get his hand inside my blouse or up my skirt , but if I gave him the chance to do anything more he 'd be so scared he 'd wet his pants . ’
19 He said of course he 'd do it if I gave him the phone number of the hospital .
20 So the gradient gives you a mea If I gave you the gradient , if I said the gradient is one , what would the angle be ?
21 What would you do if I gave you the jade ?
22 If I approached it the way I usually work , I 'd agree .
23 In the morning after their breakfast coffee , he stood silently and balefully near her until she gave him the fare to Dublin .
24 Ginny wondered how he would react if she told him the simple truth .
25 Imagine his face if she told him the truth : that , far from not liking him , she was labouring under this absurd fantasy that she loved him — for how else could she explain the turmoil that heaved inside her mind and body ?
26 She longed , oh , she burned to be able to tell him the truth , but Ace 's threats held ; also by the way Mike was looking at her at the moment he probably would n't believe her if she told him the truth about their relationship .
27 I did n't care if she called me the son of Frankenstein .
28 If you If you paid it The Co was up on the Tuesday , you had to have it paid Most people tried to pay it for the Thursday and that was the turn of the leaf , on the Thursday and if you paid that then you could go straight away that day and get your new quarter stuff , for the next quarter .
29 Round and round , and back again , everything spins around , passing by if you missed it the first time .
30 Mr Koc said : ‘ If you gave me the whole of Istanbul I would not do anything like that .
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