Example sentences of "[subord] [pers pn] [adv] [vb base] [det] " in BNC.

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1 With all the macros together on one page , someone doing accounts where they only want some of the standard sheets , can just choose those that are relevant . ’
2 Like any other book , however , they are listed in the catalogue , where they usually bear some distinctive mark such as R indicating that they are not available on loan .
3 Right , so , rather than me just do some boring stuff there .
4 " I do n't believe that this is the time for us to profit from each other 's misery so I hereby cancel all sales of food which have taken place this afternoon .
5 Personally I like to keep things as simple as possible , so I always relate this concept to the relative major key even if I 'm dealing with a song which is in a minor key .
6 Being an avid reader and buyer for years , I have come to recognise ‘ shop numbers ’ and the ‘ mini dealers ’ , so I usually ignore these ads !
7 Second point : although you obviously have such a low opinion of me that it does n't strain your credulity to believe that I was making love to two women at once , one of them married , I ca n't believe that even you could see me in the role of toy-boy .
8 you see so you actually get that .
9 And you may find treating the pain in the day means it 's not so bad at night so you actually get more sleep anyway .
10 But it seems all too likely that the 21 married women who applied to rejoin the trade and the union in 1919–20 were war widows , although we only know this for sure of three of them .
11 ‘ The children like convenience foods such as sausages or fishfingers and chips so we sometimes have that sort of thing , and occasionally we buy a takeaway from the chip shop .
12 And also , the toe nails get very thick , and quite hard to cut as we get older , so we actually do that for you , we 've got toe nail clippers that make it a lot easier .
13 It did n't sink darling it floated on the top , so we really need that one in there but I tell you what we 'll do , because you 've tr , written it so nicely we 'll put a little arrow and we 'll put there , that means that goes in there , alright , that 's smashing now all you need to do now is write your name on it
14 I been married for 11 months and my husband works away during the week so we only see each other at weekends .
15 Taken in conjunction with what follows they show the development of UK practice , although they also illustrate that progress has been slow and uncertain , and that user education is still generally a peripheral service in most libraries .
16 It is a robust species and can reach over two feet in length , although they seldom reach this size in the aquarium .
17 Those of us in public life are aware that , whenever complaints of poor service come before us , there are always Labout Members who will blame either the absence of public funds , although they never make any reference to where the money has to come from , or the Government .
18 Actually it 's quite a cosy group , so they probably know each other by
19 Once they ever reach that position
20 I now quote her too kind words because they show some of the things she valued in writing , even if I imperfectly deserve such praise .
21 ( If I ever get any on special offer I have to remove the price tags before he sees them . )
22 Struggling to control his temper ( he could probably have flattened his co-star ) , Wayne replied ‘ If I ever take another ad , I 'll remember that , Richard . ’
23 Probably it may be easier if I actually do those letters if they want letters .
24 She 's just an old woman living in the past , and if I never have another one this evening is going to be a good one . ’
25 IF I never see another picture of Cindy Crawford or Jeffrey Bernard , that will be too soon .
26 You see if I now pack those clubs like that you 've got an ace of clubs , yeah , so sometimes when there 's a deal coming off you might draw
27 ‘ What we have to do , ’ said Samuel , taking advantage of her exit from the ring , ‘ and I take it no one objects if I now chair this committee , ’ he added off-handedly , ‘ is to decide whether the Week of the Lion should continue or be cancelled . ’
28 Cos I always take that off because it 's all brass the er
29 If you also take that away and you also take away land which is already covered by settlement , I would suggest that you 're left with very little and so what 's the strategic gap ?
30 Certainly it will do so if you also put some restraints on your intake of' fats .
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