Example sentences of "[subord] [pers pn] [verb] [verb] his " in BNC.

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1 Kruger collected 7,582 points at Sheffield , where Brannen decided to withdraw after eight events , saving himself for a multi-events meeting at Stoke this week , where he hopes to battle his way to the top of the rankings .
2 He knew exactly where he wished to slot his explosive , and how long a fuse he needed to give it .
3 where he had struck his face in falling ,
4 A thin red snake of blood trickled out of the corner of his mouth ; his chest was an open , bubbling mass of blood where he had received his death wound .
5 Orwell , unlike Waugh , was never a natural master of narrative , and his uncertain career in fiction had begun , after much trial and error , with Burmese Days ( 1934 ) , where he had exploited his youthful experiences in the Burma police .
6 Bernard was by now a junior lecturer in the same college where he had taken his degree .
7 Kit Everard had his men raise him a sleeping pavilion on the eastern bank across the creek from the saman tree where he had established his strategic headquarters .
8 Patrick Milligan would sigh despairingly as if God had deserted him , before wandering drunkenly off to his own , now single , bed , where he lay cursing his miserable lot before falling into a deep and whisky sodden sleep .
9 He also supplied Sunday Life with a faxed copy of Simon 's winning entry where he has stated his date of birth as 30th March , 1974 — making him 19-years-old .
10 Though Joe 's literary knowledge is shaky , he has a reputation as a smart operator , and not only in the airplane business , where he has made his fortune .
11 ‘ Is this where he intends to make his land stand then ? ’
12 Although I had saved his country from attack by Blefuscan warships , he preferred to remember my refusal .
13 An irrational anger swept over Rose , so that , although she had planned his favourite food and was anxious for him to enjoy it , she now wanted to strike the fork from his lips .
14 Although she had rejected his dinner invitation , somehow he had come out of the scene the victor .
15 Although she had to admit his lack of height , Constance had noticed that he was muscular .
16 For example , a receptionist at a solicitor 's office will no doubt meet clients but it would be most unusual for her to be in a position to take advantage of that connection to the detriment of her employer once she has left his employment .
17 to go and do something in Dundee , so they 've advertised his job
18 And although he does reserve his party pieces for his formidable long-range free kicks , most of those were off target apart from one effort which hit a post late on .
19 This is why although he dares to pose his overwhelming question , he can never be in a position to answer it with more than an assertion and the promise of more totalizations .
20 Although he had felt his senses were ‘ charred ’ , he wrote some of his greatest poems , such as ‘ Spring Offensive ’ , during the final few weeks of his life .
21 Although he had terminated his PhD course and left active research he nonetheless kept abreast of developments in chemistry .
22 His skin felt scorched enough as it was , although he had to admit his head felt clearer .
23 But when he spoke it was not of her but of Peach , how to feed him , what sort of supplements he should have , that although he had had his routine immunizations , he must have a booster at a year old and also an injection against a new sort of feline virus .
24 Although he had told his own secret , he had not discovered Dorian 's secret .
25 Although he had set his loaded rifle at his shoulder in readiness as he entered the thicket , before he could squeeze the trigger the wounded seladang was upon him .
26 In Isaiah 63:10 , 11 we read that the people on whom God had set his love ‘ rebelled and grieved his Holy Spirit ’ , although he had put his Holy Spirit in the midst of them when he rescued them from Egypt .
27 Although he had left his native Scotland as a boy his voice still contained traces of his Celtic background .
28 It was his first visit to Nijmegen and , although he had got his CMT 3 qualification , he had spent most of his two months at 3rd Armoured Field Ambulance checking equipment , putting up tents and doing guard duties .
29 Both men had cars capable of winning the world title but that honour went to the Argentinian , while Moss had to be content with the runner-up position although he did record his first Grand Prix victory at Aintree in 1955 .
30 Owing to his illness he was able to study for only one term in the next three years , although he did put his convalescence to good use , adding fluency in French , German and Italian to his other accomplishments , and attending lectures of the French physicist Dominique Arago at the Sorbonne .
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