Example sentences of "[subord] [adj] [coord] [adv] [subord] " in BNC.

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1 A soft touch button and a series of small lights have replaced the conventional circular dial and pilot light , while the electronic thermostat indicates not only when the iron is cooler than required but also when it is too hot .
2 her questions had been more curious than tender and even when she had touched his cheek it was to prove for herself that no bruising remained .
3 Calls higher-pitched than Common but deeper than Black-headed : ‘ kau-kau-kyau : ‘ kee-er ’ or ‘ kek-ke-ke ’ .
4 Half year pre-tax profits have zoomed ahead by 92% to almost £27m , a much healtheir performance than expected and better than Racal 's £23.1m for the same period .
5 With the exception of a few intervening slabs , the routes are always steep , rarely less than overhanging or more than 25m , on near perfect rock and well equipped with bolts and chains for ‘ moulinette ’ .
6 Stalin adhered to the agreement because he wished to maintain satisfactory relations with the United States if possible and perhaps because he felt that sooner or later Korea would fall into the Soviet sphere in any case .
7 A father 's influence which has been revealed as destructive and all but disastrous is thought to have remained dominant — as was only natural — until the women broke away for good .
8 It was important , bearing in mind private viewing , that bodies should be not only as wholesome as possible but also as well dressed ; and dressed not only in a material according to social status but also in as well upholstered a coffin as funds would permit .
9 Hyoscine butylbromide is often necessary during ERCP , but should be used in as low a dose as possible and only when really needed rather than routinely .
10 Its main thrust was that challenges to the order and stability of bourgeois hegemony in the social sphere are then registered as challenges to order and stability , first as content and then as form , in the aesthetic sphere .
11 There are fragments of kouroi from Delos as early or nearly as Nikandre 's girl , but before we go on to these a few more general remarks are in place .
12 It was sometimes described as Congregationalist and sometimes as Baptist and did not insist on adult baptism .
13 A trade can only be carried out within one firm if the market maker of that firm offers a price at least as good or better than that offered on the general market .
14 This family is characterised externally by thickened skin covering the disk and arms which conceals the reduced or fragmented plates of scales ; rudimentary and inconspicuous radial shields ; the jaws usually as broad as long or longer than broad armed with simple spine-like or broad scale-like rugose papillae ; the second oral tentacle pore may arise within the mouth slit as in Ophiomyxa , or more superficially and nearly outside the mouth slip as in Ophioscolex and Ophiophrixus ; oral area usually covered with skin which may obscure the underlying plates ; the arm spines erect laterally placed , covered with thickened skin .
15 The criminal justice system projects itself above social conflicts and expects to be recognized as fair and just because it is guided by universal principles that transcend sectional interests .
16 The insertion of an adequate Human factors approach into a comprehensive design process is not easy , partly for the reason mentioned already that it has not habitually been regarded as necessary and partly because it cuts across all other decision-making .
17 He had never previously thought of himself as acquisitive or even as particularly materialistic .
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