Example sentences of "[subord] [adj] [noun pl] might [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Initially the males with slightly longer than average tails might have been fitter than average ; females who preferred to mate with them would have an advantage because they would produce better sons .
2 Although individual managers might have to accept responsibility for decisions , there should be a consensus in decision-making , reached by agreement with the manager 's subordinates and colleagues .
3 Nevertheless , while quangos have clearly survived the first two Thatcher administrations , a precise head count is less easy than official figures might suggest .
4 A bank is concerned that a loan can be serviced throughout its term , even although fundamental changes might take place in the political system of the country in which the borrower is resident .
5 The dependence of the conflict thesis on legends that , on closer examination , prove misleading is a more general defect than isolated examples might suggest .
6 Albert took off his glasses and rubbed them on his handkerchief and put them back on , as if clean spectacles might make him think better .
7 Furthermore , while economic historians might assess in retrospect the effects of excise on levels of consumption , or by implication on the level of savings , customs duties in their own time were never seen solely from the point of view of the revenue but always as an important instrument of economic regulation .
8 The money had to come from somewhere , and while old newspapers might spawn new newspapers there was not , of course , any ‘ old ’ ITV .
9 Previously there had always been at least the possibility that it might be wound up after its current voyages were complete but under Cromwell the traders reorganized its joint-stock system so that , while individual owners might sell their shares , the Company was designed to go on trading forever ; and almost all companies founded subsequently were organized in the same way .
10 Quite apart from the other benefits of club membership , inland clubs often have the only access to local water , while coastal clubs might have the best launching facilities in an area .
11 There was not a single walled town in either Buckinghamshire or Rutland , while other counties might possess several ; Sussex had at least five , including the Cinque Ports and the two county towns .
12 Examples in the last category would include personal prejudices held by key people against the salesperson , his company , or its products , while positive factors might include common interests which could form the basis of a rapport with the buyer , or favourable experiences with other types of products sold by the salesperson 's company .
13 Political as well as economic reasons might contribute to the use of a standardised design .
14 Now , in order that the French presence in her daughter 's kingdom should not be threatened , not just by English intervention , but by any occasion such as a burgh play when Scottish mobs might get out of hand , Mary of Guise put a stop to a source of enjoyment and fun .
15 Not only were nobles who defected from the support of Otto of Brunswick punished by sentences of excommunication , such as Otto 's brother , Henry the count Palatine , and the duke of Brabant in 1204 – 5 , but also the ecclesiastical hierarchy who as temporal as well as spiritual princes might face revolt on their estates as well as censure from ecclesiastics within the diocese or province .
16 Though enlightened Spaniards might detest the brutal deceit of Napoleon 's seizure of Spain they felt that perhaps he alone could regenerate her .
17 Unlike Julia , she is not at all domestic , for she is plunged in her writing — as other novelists might wish to be .
18 Though modern readers might wish to repay Mr Ruskin 's ‘ hard work ’ recorded in a 1854 entry , with hard labour , the practice of dismembering books went on for many centuries .
19 On the rare occasions when French and Vietminh met and when local concessions might have helped at least to improve the atmosphere — for example the release of hostages taken by Vietminh — the Vietminh for their part denied all knowledge that any had been taken while violent incidents were either attributed to the forces outwith their control , which may well have been true , or else to the anger of the people which , again , may have been true but did not improve matters .
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