Example sentences of "[subord] [noun sg] was to [be] " in BNC.

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1 This rebellion had two main foci : the Viceroyalties of the Rio de la Plata and of New Granada , where resistance was to be symbolized by Bolívar , the greatest of the liberators of Latin America .
2 His objective was to challenge what he called ‘ the liberal theory of the state ’ which ‘ assumed that in political society where anarchy was to be avoided there must be a supreme authority which gives orders to all and receives orders from none ’ .
3 Like so many others , Baron de Tracy knew which way the wind blew and where gain was to be had .
4 In 1911 the inaugural conference of the National Council of Public Morals ( NCPM ) announced that prevention rather than punishment was to be the keynote in the regeneration of the nation 's moral life .
5 If communism was to be contained , then the economic weaknesses and poverty which could help it to develop in Western Europe had to be removed .
6 Richmondshire District Council said it was forced to bring in charges if money was to be found to maintain existing car parks and create new ones .
7 Kalim Siddiqui , the outspoken leader of the Muslim ‘ parliament ’ , also agreed that wider forces had to be tackled if racism was to be stamped out .
8 Accordingly , policies were re-written and strategies revised , firstly , to reflect the changes needed if Labour was to be kept at bay , and , secondly , to accommodate the non-Labour supporters of the old Liberal Party within the modern Conservative party .
9 If force was to be " used , it would be with the authorization of the full chain of command to Allied Forces Headquarters .
10 Thus if mining was to be stopped throughout Mayo , it had to be stopped here first .
11 He was already aware of the possibility of situations in which approval would not be the automatic outcome of such visits , and indeed the CNAA had already , as a result of institutional visits , imposed stern conditions to be met in some instances if approval was to be continued .
12 If Lamarckism was discredited , then some entirely new mechanism would have to be suggested if evolution was to be seen as a truly natural process .
13 Japan 's money policy had to tighten sharply , if the yen were not to collapse and if inflation was to be kept under control .
14 The court and the court clerk accepted that if evidence was to be called and witnesses cross-examined , then the hearing was , in effect , a trial , and that two justices would be necessary .
15 If knowledge was to be imparted that might threaten me , then it was time to show a clean pair of heels and , perhaps , indulge in some honest lechery . )
16 If estoppel was to be relied on , it ought , I think , to have been estoppel by representation .
17 It seemed to her that if love was to be great it had to be paid for with a terrible price .
18 In addition , we saw that if Christianity was to be made the source of values this would create a logical inconsistency in Professor Hayek 's defence of the spontaneous order .
19 One was the recognition that leadership was of prime importance if discipline was to be maintained and armies kept together as teams rather than as collections of individuals .
20 This decision was criticized by ecology groups , including the environmental organization Greenpeace , because research was to be into developing the traditional pressurized water reactor , rather than into what were considered safer forms .
21 This ‘ tall stack ’ policy was intended to disperse pollution and dilute it to ‘ harmless levels ’ , while smoke was to be trapped at source by simple electrostatic filters .
22 The submission which Mr. Lester makes on the other hand is not restricted by reference to the type of statute and indeed the only way in which it could be discovered whether help was to be given is by considering Hansard itself .
23 This is so irrespective of whether the contract had a fixed future date for delivery or whether delivery was to be within a reasonable length of time .
24 By the concentrated bombardment the element of surprise was relinquished , but at Messines this was of no moment , for surprise was to be achieved by the detonation of the mines .
25 The same applied in reverse when cement was to be exported .
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