Example sentences of "[subord] [noun sg] be [adv] to " in BNC.

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1 Among the worst affected areas were Lincolnshire , where visibility was down to 50 yards , Cumbria , where roads were described as ‘ hazardous ’ , and the M25 in Hertfordshire , which was hit by ice and freezing fog .
2 You can imagine busy hands flying around the cockpit selecting emergency oxygen on , power down , airbrakes out , wait until speed is down to manoeuvring values , add drag if necessary , then push the nose down .
3 If fishing is not to your taste , Craigendarroch offers the irresistible lure of many more of the world 's finest sports …
4 I have received no formal representations from the CBI , but I am aware of its view that pay settlements need to be more realistic if competitiveness is not to be damaged .
5 If help is nowhere to be found , and you ca n't outrun whoever is chasing you , then substitute cunning for speed .
6 If compulsion is not to be the order of the day where the business itself is transferred , can it be accepted when the transfer is of the company which owns the business ?
7 The alternative conclusion is that if democracy is not to be immobilized it must be founded on a substantial degree of social and economic equality — that is , on the existence of a real and concrete common interest in society .
8 But the gap between amateur and expert must be bridged if society is not to be split between two cultures .
9 If life is not to be pointless , there must be an ultimate reason for it .
10 Secondly , the notion of usability allows us to recognise that if information is actually to be used by users , then it must also be usable by those users , without undue expenditure of time , effort or resource , or it simply will just not get used .
11 That third frame is unnecessary if radio is not to be carried .
12 ‘ E 'd tell 'em straight if be'aviour was n't to 'is liking … nah , it 's sad , in n it , that so many 'ave lorst the art 'o being constructively critical withaht being disliked . ’
13 As Lord Hill replied to an outraged Lord Derby , whose TWW had ‘ stood on its record ’ and been brusquely dismissed , newcomers such as Harlech could offer only promises , ‘ but if promise is never to be preferred to performance , then every television company will go on for ever ’ ( Sendall , 1983 , p. 359 ) .
14 If history is not to be repeated , they should take the lead now and not merely be content to wait and see what might happen . ’
15 If duress is not to be allowed as a complete defence to murder , the reduction in culpability should surely be reflected by reducing the conviction to manslaughter .
16 The repeated frustration of his attempts to introduce changes led to an impassioned plea in the Sunday Express for more freedom of action at club level : ‘ I appeal to the authorities to release the brake which they seem to delight in jamming on new ideas … as if wisdom is only to be found in the council chamber …
17 Long before this , however , the groundwork has been well laid for a sense of personal autonomy that is not in conflict with attitudes of dependency ( since assistance is simply to be expected and does not , as we have seen , entail subordination ) and that persists throughout life .
18 I hoped they were not to be disappointed by the rest of their tour and wondered whether that residue of egalitarianism which their culture had instilled in them , for all its dreadfulness , might not in time lead them to question whether unification was wholly to their advantage .
19 Further forward , Clarke ensured that Wright 's return after injury was not to be a gentle reintroduction , and the England central defender had to be at his very best .
20 ‘ Always remember what Galen said , though Hippocrates maintained different : ‘ Wine before sunset is not to be recommended . ’
21 Though Masonry was always to be an element in the liberal forces — particularly in later non-socialist brands of Republicanism — it was never again , as it was from 1815 to 1820 , its chief framework ; even then it was not so much a system of belief as the only clandestine organization available for conspiracy .
22 ‘ Leave here , and take him with you ; for Andernesse is not to be trodden by mortals , and already you have harmed us enough ! ’
23 The judgment given after the trial of a preliminary issue is not interlocutory even though quantum is still to be tried .
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