Example sentences of "[subord] [noun sg] [vb -s] [adv] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 This links with a second category of verbs , where movement indicates both agent and recipient .
2 Lyons boldly lists the following ( 1977a : 574 ) , over and above universal principles of logic and language usage : ( i ) knowledge of role and status ( where role covers both role in the speech event , as speaker or addressee , and social role , and status covers notions of relative social standing ) , ( ii ) knowledge of spatial and temporal location , ( iii ) knowledge of formality level , ( iv ) knowledge of the medium ( roughly the code or style appropriate to a channel , like the distinction between written and spoken varieties of a language ) , ( v ) knowledge of appropriate subject matter , ( vi ) knowledge of appropriate province ( or domain determining the register of a language ) .
3 Secondly , although acupuncture does not tit readily into the currently available clinical trial models , there is no reason why such therapies can not be assessed within the context of clinical trials , by developing new trial methods to facilitate this assessment .
4 But the seminar could never do the whole of what a novel does , since theory falsifies where stories teach wisdom .
5 Elderly residents moved as Board closes down home
6 Within that evolving framework there is both complexity and variety , for change involves both redundancy as well as novelty , and each region was subject to different pressures stemming from its past and its neighbours .
7 as ice does when weight troubles it
8 Despite the fact that the global , often UK-originated course is likely to become less important as product becomes increasingly country , market and syllabus-specific , it is the UK 's TEFL industry that underpins British publishers ' claim to superior authenticity , experience and expertise .
9 I wondered if it might be an admission of mortality , an agreement that as birth precedes so death must follow .
10 In fact there is no grip , it 's all drift , in this sequence , as illness brings back Stepan 's childhood Church Slavonic , mixed up with Quixotic politesse and flagrant falsifying of his own past , and cant about the Russian soul .
11 When path picks up line of iron fence continue to follow this , keeping it on left-hand side , to reach trig point on summit .
12 For position checks off airways add also the distance from the station .
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