Example sentences of "[subord] [pos pn] [noun] [verb] its " in BNC.

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1 Just go on hating him , ill-wishing him until his body reached its natural conclusion .
2 So , if your company changes its mind about a plan to demote you , but , feeling disgruntled , you still decide to leave , it is likely that you will be regarded as having voluntarily resigned .
3 If your company wishes its name to appear on the cards , this can be arranged .
4 There can be emergency situations , for instance if your dog cuts its paw or is bitten by a poisonous snake , when you will need to carry it back to the vehicle or home .
5 We walked into the town while our felucca waited its turn at the lock .
6 Whether my knee found its target , I do n't know .
7 She was hardly aware of him stripping her of her clothes before his tongue started its own journey of exploration .
8 Hitting the target : ‘ The way information is presented can make all the difference to whether your publication hits its target or is consigned , unread , to the waste-bin , ’ says Peter Brigg , head of BP 's Employee Communications & services team ( ECS ) , which produces many of the company 's corporate publications .
9 ‘ People were hugging and kissing each other as my car powered its way to the finish as they joined me in an early celebration .
10 Peat , however , should not be used , as its use retards its growth .
11 ‘ The devil ! ’ he uttered , and as her hands left its edge he let her go and seized the tray before it could fall .
12 He paused , holding her entrapped by the power of his presence , as her imagination formed its own pictures of the pleasures her sex had provided for him .
13 He ground his lips against hers again , forcing his tongue between her teeth , making her whimper as her body betrayed its need .
14 Maria sent him a smouldering glance as her mind screamed its resistance to the idea of there ever being anything personal between them , and every muscle in her body clenched in physical imitation of that wild denial .
15 He shifted again , urging her to greater daring as her mouth continued its explorations .
16 Perhaps it can be traced even deeper in the past — we can go back to the time when the woman first attracted the man whose child she will later bear , or to the onset of her menstruation , when her body signalled its readiness for pregnancy .
17 But the scholarship was worth only £100 and , though his school plundered its scarce resources to add £20 , it was not enough for the boy to support himself at Cambridge .
18 As our taxi made its way up the winding road to the north west of the island , we passed immaculate terraces filled with olive and citrus groves beneath which tethered goats grazed happily on the dry clumps of grass .
19 In the course of this study , our understanding of methane formation and transport ( particularly methane in groundwater ) , as well as our ability to model its movement mechanisms , have all been found lacking in some important way .
20 Hong Kong casts a spell over the visitor almost as soon as your aircraft weaves its way between high-rise blocks to land at the chaotic airport .
21 5 Now think about what actually happens as your group starts its life on the island sometimes things go well ; sometimes not so well .
22 Day Four : After trying the local wine , most will still be asleep at 7.30am when your cruise slips its mooring and heads for Mainz .
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