Example sentences of "[subord] [subord] [pron] were not " in BNC.

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1 If I were reasonably satisfied that , other things being equal , substantially fewer persons would be murdered if the death penalty were available than if it were not , I should have opposed its abolition and would support its restoration .
2 Okay , so language would be much easier to learn if this hypothesis were true , rather than if it were not true .
3 If you insure all the property in your flat against theft , fire etc. you have less of an incentive to make the place thief-proof and to check over it carefully before going out or going to bed than if you were not insured .
4 It can be seen that this was a way of ‘ blaming the victim ’ : it seems as though the young person had failed to find a job because they had not filled in the application form properly or were too untidy , rather than because there were not enough jobs .
5 Surprisingly , however , he found that sentences took longer to understand when they were preceded by a context than when they were not preceded by a context .
6 Because if it were not on you would not be able to see . ’
7 Indeed , on average , each pair of cod produces only two offspring of opposite sexes that survive to breed in the course of their lives , for if it were not so , the population of cod would grow and grow , which it clearly does not .
8 Once they got there , however , they found the police would not allow them onto the tarmac with the welcoming VIPs and it looked at one point as though they were not going to get any pictures .
9 It is as though they were not fighting each other but some phantom German army .
10 his feet hurt after a while and his muscles ached , as though they were not dancing but running , pounding through a strange , noisy jostling forest of soft , moving trees in darkness ; just the two of them .
11 Will the Leader of the House consider allocating time to look at planning requirements as they affect former nationalised industries such as the regional electricity boards , which continue to behave as though they were not in business for profit ?
12 If they are treated as though they were not quite like other human beings erm then they behave not quite like human beings .
13 She half mouthed the word , as though it were not quite suitable for a polite tea-table .
14 Surprise at the gentle way he lifted her breast as though it were not part of her .
15 He hoped he at least sounded businesslike , as though it were not a private call , and realized immediately that Alexandra would refuse to take the call if she knew it was him .
16 ‘ Well met , Michael Riven , ’ he said quietly , and the words were distorted in his mouth , as though it were not yet the right shape for them .
17 ‘ Perhaps it would be wise to search you ? ’ he asks , almost politely , as though it were not a rhetorical question .
18 One of the men , bearded , with roughly patched jeans and a loud laugh , leaned on the back of Rain 's chair , his head close to hers , and talked to Oliver as though she were not there .
19 Joe 's discussion of the man as though he were not there , embarrassed Yanto , and Joe noticed .
20 They spoke of Charles as though he were not there , as though he belonged to another world of logic from their own , as though he belonged , almost , to another species .
21 It was particularly offensive to hear the Secretary of State talking about price increases in the gas industry before privatisation , as though he were not a member of a party and Government who decreed that gas prices had to rise arbitrarily , unilaterally and unnecessarily by 10 per cent .
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