Example sentences of "[subord] [v-ing] [noun] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The Press and Information Ministry , rather than re-registering Izvestiya as the Supreme Soviet newspaper , on July 20 appealed to the Constitutional Court over the legality of the Supreme Soviet resolution .
2 The shots had sounded from the hills somewhere to the north , and rather than wasting time on the main path that rose with the gentle contours of the valley , we took a short cut up the steep , almost sheer , cliff behind the houses .
3 Although professing support for the retention of the pay formula , senior officers hoped industrial action could be avoided .
4 Rather than seeing labourism within the narrow confines of a trade union dominated political intervention at the level of the state , I wish to consider it as a political culture within working-class experience at all levels , which can not be reduced to a bourgeois ethos , and which has as a major component ( but only a component ) the Labour Party .
5 The idea that people operate ‘ strategies ’ in which they assess a range of options , and act to maximize their opportunities , has become an increasingly important insight in historical work on the family , and one which accords an active role to human beings in constructing their own lives , rather than seeing individuals at the mercy of large scale social forces ( Morgan , 1985 , p. 175 ) .
6 He said the prison would follow a methadone reduction programme rather than maintaining prisoners on the drug .
7 Meetings between the two monarchs were arranged , but rather than bringing peace to the two countries , fresh hostilities broke out .
8 Although targeting employment through the labour market is inevitably uncertain , skills training certainly improves the job prospects of local people .
9 Would it not be far better for the Government to end these punitive and ridiculous double tax payments — the Post Office already pays corporation tax — thus allowing it to concentrate on improving the quality of service to customers rather than pursuing abolition of the second delivery in towns and putting restrictions on rural services such as insisting that people have letter boxes at the bottom of their gardens or , in some cases , making people go to village centres for their letters ?
10 Inveterate trafficker in traffic systems Peek Plc told its annual meeting yesterday that it saw signs of a trading upturn in March : ‘ Although trading conditions in the first two months of the current year continued to be difficult , we have seen signs of improvement in March — there is currently a significant amount of enquiry and bidding activity and it is expected that this will translate into firm orders , ’ chairman Ken Maud said .
11 Rather than ending divisions in the Labour Party , the controversies of 1935 mark the beginning of a new period of prolonged disunity .
12 That centre for one of the staff who work there , make quite profound impact on the quality of life for many people living on our estates and I can not see anything more short sighted than denying access to the sorts of services and the sorts of pleasures that people can get from use of a community centre like that by cutting back on staffing so that we ca n't actually use the capital resources that we 've b the capital that we 've invested in facilities like that .
13 Every moment I am conscious of those little differences which , although appearing minute to the layman , to the dancer constitute the difference between the amateur and that je ne sais quoi which makes him professional .
14 This should enable the purchaser to identify and deal with risks before contract rather than seeking redress from the vendor after completion .
15 Pressure from Bruce Millan , EC regional commissioner , has resulted in the Treasury reluctantly accepting that the funds provided by Brussels are additional to government spending rather than part of it and should be steered to specific projects rather than forming part of the spending pool .
16 The consideration must be something other than rendering services in the future .
17 Still , getting ahead in the movie business may turn out to be harder than selling works by the hundreds in the boom market of the late 1980s .
18 Selling Old Trafford to a first-time buyer on a 100 per cent mortgage would be easier than selling Manchester for the 1996 Olympics .
19 The tenants preferred to use the contentious area as air space for the benefit of the lower ground floor rather than selling space for the benefit of the ground floor .
20 But the others were plainly endorsing her vote of thanks to their host rather than paying tribute to the newly-discovered ‘ communautaire ’ qualities of the Iron Lady .
21 Levin 's essay , interesting though it is , achieves little more than assimilating Debord into the spectacularised history of the avant-garde cinema .
22 Although providing support for the findings of Mattila et al , our results show a weaker association between dental disease and coronary heart disease .
23 as if conforming to some prearranged ceremony they grouped themselves into a semicircle with Alex Mair a little to the front , like a formal welcoming party but one bracing itself for trouble rather than expecting pleasure from the approaching guest .
24 A direct airmail subscription to your home is actually cheaper than buying WCM over the counter in Australia , New Zealand , India , Pakistan , Sri Lanka , West Indies , South Africa , etc .
25 The various pros and cons have been discussed and highlighted in the Journal over the last couple of years so I will not repeat them , although printing costs of the vouchers must be very high compared with a ‘ one off card ’ .
26 So often , we have faith in a miracle , in the supernatural , rather than having faith in the Christ of the supernatural .
27 The landlords allow this because it 's better than having parties in the bedrooms .
28 Covering the mass of routine committees raises many more problems of choice , discretion and topicality than recording events in the main chamber .
29 " Some of the older boys at school say we are nothing more than dancing puppets of the French ! "
30 But it 's better than giving handouts to the real mother in the first place , because with kids round her apron she ca n't find herself a job .
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