Example sentences of "[subord] [v-ing] [noun] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Where entering rays of snow cut horizontal
2 Although handling arrangement at UK airports are excellent , there are rare occasions when your baggage may unfortunately be delayed .
3 It must have been a dismal job for those children , who , like children everywhere , would have preferred to have been playing rather than handling ton after ton of cold wet ore and stone .
4 In effect , he argued that the policy changes in China that Democrats want to see can be achieved through better mechanisms than attaching conditions to MFN status .
5 Rather than seeing responses to questions as simple indicators of factual properties , these theorists saw them as data from which it was possible to make inferences about the dispositional and motivational character of social actors ' behaviours .
6 Decks serving multi- floor accommodation outside the warehouse will also provide escape routes from the upper storage levels , but their structural integrity must be complete in an emergency , although allowing time for people to escape to safety in other protected areas and routes leading to the open air at ground level .
7 So straw-burning rather than using straw for animals is something which is bad for the environment and for welfare .
8 The character of the whole place is best assessed by walking down from the castle rather than climbing east to west .
9 The plain fact is that even in a deposit based account , unless you 're a non-tax payer , any interest you make will already have had tax deducted and you may find your money is probably doing no more than keeping pace with inflation .
10 In Brooke-Rose 's later work this relationship is reversed as linguistic felicities are allowed to pierce through the layers of the harmonious hierarchical structure of narrative ontology ; rather than replacing pun with metaphor , Brooke-Rose transforms the one into the other .
11 These factors become particularly important when developing sustainable agricultural systems in which the emphasis is on optimising crop yield per unit rather than maximising yield per unit area .
12 Mr Colman if I might add that re- orientation has brought with it the need to change our pricing strategy and therefore rather than going package by package right through the whole thirty four , we 're actually trying initially on the engines to go in one bang to price everything on the engines and do it in the next few months .
13 Rather than analysing society in terms of one kind of component , Althusser claims that Marx breaks it up into related units called , in Althusserean parlance , ‘ practices ’ .
14 The laboratory where the scanning equipment was developed was visited today by a Government Minister , who said the pictures were better value for money than sending astronauts into space .
15 Triggers are more than teaching aids about information .
16 One important corollary of the decision that obscene material must have more serious effects than arousing feelings of revulsion is the doctrine that material which in fact shocks and disgusts may not be obscene , because its effect is to discourage readers from indulgence in the immorality so unseductively portrayed .
17 Although linking pensions to prices rather than incomes may not produce a great difference in one year , after twenty-five years , assuming incomes rise by 2 per cent per annum faster than prices , the price-linked pension will be worth only approximately 60 per cent of the earnings-linked pension .
18 But giving £10,000 credit for one month can be less risky than giving £5000 of credit for six months .
19 Unfortunately they are frequently little more than begging letters for money , tombola prizes and jumble or grumbles about late dinner money and parking too near the school entrances .
20 To be fair , the same company does publish David Widgery 's remarkable chronicle of a GP 's East End , Some Lives ! : almost unique in that it speaks from within the culture described , rather than taking day-trips to deprivation .
21 His brow became more deeply furrowed as he made decisions in reaction to circumstances , rather than taking control of situations .
22 The A.82 road from Fort William to Spean Bridge , although affording glimpses of Ben Nevis and company , and introducing a vast cattle ranch on a Wild West scale , is too busy for leisurely contemplation of the scenery .
23 Even the simplest forms of self-evaluation are much more fun and more meaningful than ticking boxes in sheaves of attainment target records .
24 But , although making claims for Reason less ambitious than those of the seventeenth century , it still sets a problem of how causal powers can be known to exist .
25 than playing cards by torchlight in a raid ?
26 Why should we spend out eighty thousand could be spent on better things than putting cameras on posts .
27 Nevertheless , there is a clear — and perhaps valid — message behind these Soviet critiques : a safer bet maintaining order through Leninist norms than putting brakes on reform once the ball is rolling .
28 By embracing rather than plundering elements of jazz , soul and funk , Jamiroquai 's debut single on Acid Jazz , ‘ When You Gon na Learn ’ , served as the perfect foretaste to his future work and in the process instantly distanced him from the retro-funk-by-numbers style of his less talented peers .
29 Creating multimedia applications will be so much more difficult than transferring data to CD-ROM , that the number of programs will not escalate in the same way .
30 Training , in any case , was very limited , local staff visits to home-country plants were not very involving , and on-the-job training tended to consist of little more than watching expatriates at work .
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