Example sentences of "[subord] [noun prp] came [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Silas had said he wished to leave for Hastings immediately after the meal , so Lucy came to the table ready to leave at a moment 's notice .
2 When Mary I married Philip of Spain she decreed they ruled England jointly , and for the next few years until Elizabeth came to the throne the following strange convention was adopted for recording their regnal years : On 17 March 1649 the monarchy was abolished and during the period until parliamentary government was overtaken by the Restoration , English official documents were dated by the year of grace .
3 oh course , aha , no , it 's , it 's not that bad going out with them they act a bit different , not much different , when they 're on their own yeah , cos Chris came to the cinema by himself with us , with me and Kate
4 Actually , I think it was at the opening of Pork because Andy came to the opening and David had that song on the ‘ Hunky Dory ’ album called ‘ Andy Warhol ’ , so we made sure they met . ’
5 While Pottz came to the mountain , Richie waited for the mountain to come to him .
6 Six months after Opren came off the market he proposed no improvements but whatever changes we make in our monitoring system ‘ it is almost certain ’ , he assured us , ‘ there will be another such incident sooner or later ’ .
7 ‘ I thought you two had agreed to settle your differences , ’ she commented after David came into the office for some records , then left without saying a word .
8 There was a brief pause , before Emmet came on the line .
9 ODBC : How drug addicts used to die before Jesus came on the scene .
10 Before UPH came on the scene , Finnegan Menton had been offering the site for £2.7m .
11 It was to be a good many years before Coniston came within the sphere of operations however .
12 A hundred years before Elizabeth came to the throne no member of the human race had ever been in a position to make a map of the whole world ; civilizations had risen and flourished in different regions of the world but they had little or no idea of their geographical relationship to one another .
13 ‘ I was fascinated to discover that a number of Americans worked for SOE before America came into the war .
14 When Sunderland came to the Manor in the league in December less than 2,000 Weirsiders saw them lose 3-0 .
15 Even when Victoria came to the throne in 1837 only five places in England and Wales contained more than 100,000 people .
16 When Patrick came to the door of the aircraft he saw the flight of metal steps leading to the tarmac .
17 When Nicandra came into the morning room , the air was stilled for a moment .
18 He looked up as Trent came into the room .
19 He stood up when Alexandra came into the bar , held out his hand , smiled , showing beautiful teeth .
20 When Florey came to the chair of pathology at Sheffield a year or two later , Paine mentioned the matter to him but aroused no obvious interest .
21 She had just finished her breakfast of dripping and bread and a piece of cold bacon when Ben came into the room .
22 Suddenly , her thoughts materialised as David came into the room , bringing a cold blast of air from the outer hallway .
23 It 's funny er when Richard came in the other day and said he 'd been he 'd been to the dentist and you said oh well they have n't been in touch with us yet .
24 When Napoleon came to the boathouse , ’ I said , ‘ there was n't any sound of Harry battering his way out .
25 She was ready to go downstairs to the kitchen when Ellen came into the room .
26 When Trestle came to the Festival for the first time in 1986 , they were just beginning to make their name , and were virtually unknown in Belfast .
27 Mossadeq received him in bed ; he fluttered his hands as Harriman came into the room and launched into a fluting tirade against the British .
28 When Therese came on the entire evening lifted into top gear .
29 Make-up could work wonders , though , and she was just putting the finishing touches to her lipstick when Travis came through the connecting door .
30 When Scott came off the ship , a newspaper man walked up to him .
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