Example sentences of "[subord] [noun prp] [noun prp] [vb mod] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 In our judgment the answer has to be ‘ No ’ and it would be peculiar in the extreme if Dr. Hayes could in effect be ordered to give evidence of their contents merely because he was no longer in Crown employment .
2 If St Pancras can in fact be rehabilitated then that will give me the greatest pleasure , ’ he said .
3 Although I had considerable doubts as to whether Lord Goodman would on the whole be a happier and more contented human being than Mr Goodman , or whether in fact it would not be a prefix that would be more of an incubus than a blessing , vanity as always prevailed .
4 Nothing to be scared of , just a few old trees , though Uncle Nick used to be scared sometimes , on the way down .
5 It sounds crazy — as crazy as Steve Martin used to be .
6 At times Levitation attempt to musically shock but it rarely works , ‘ Squirrel ’ has a weird keyboard break which fits in as much as George Bush would at a peace benefit punk gig , but at least they try to bemuse .
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