Example sentences of "[subord] [modal v] be [vb pp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Demand more than may be demanded by the compromising elements that exist among the Catholic leadership .
2 This is an additional reason for management to create an even more elaborate division of labour than might be warranted from mere technical considerations of the tasks to be done .
3 Others , however , suggested factions inside DEC , previously thought to be the most difficult of the troika , are rushing to ensure Destiny gets on their platforms and will go further than might be imagined on Tuesday .
4 When we recognise that for the three Near Eastern traditions there is a clear emphasis upon God 's presence as well as His transcendence , their approach is seen to be closer than might be imagined to that of the Indian religious traditions .
5 A publicity photograph had shown one of the Doonettes , the electrifying step-dancing duo which performs with the band , caught with skirt raised at the back to reveal considerably less than might be observed on Whitley Bay sands , let alone the Riviera .
6 Moody and high-strung though Anne was by nature , the girls ' brief quarrels were no more than might be expected between any siblings .
7 For some reason , however , the pachyderms do not fit this picture — both elephants and rhinos exhibit far more complex personalities with much higher intelligence than might be expected for animals with their style of feeding .
8 Only in per capita wealth did the town have a slight edge , and then perhaps less decisively than might be expected for so important a centre .
9 Research done in Liverpool — albeit before the Partnerships — ( Nabarro and McDonald , 1978 ) , indicates that the inner areas received less than might be expected considering their total population .
10 Direct files have been used less than might be expected in data processing .
11 The performance of cast iron in fire is better than might be expected by those who have some knowledge of the dramatic reaction of steel structures to fire .
12 ‘ That the architect of the ‘ cheerful ’ Cemetery Chapel at Woking [ Tite ] should bear a grudge against the architect of St. Giles 's , Camberwell , [ Scott ] is , perhaps , no more than might be expected from a spirit of professional rivalry degenerated into envy . ’
13 I found parental " insignificance " a family situation which figured a good deal more often than might be expected from mere chance in the history of dependent individuals .
14 Migration ( Figure 4.5B ) has played the key role in these growth patterns — indeed , to a greater extent than might be expected from the overall rates of population change , because it is also compensating for substantial natural decrease in some of the fastest growing counties , principally those noted as retirement areas like East and West Sussex , the Isle of Wight , Dorset and Devon ( Figure 4.5A ) .
15 To change to a process of programme budgeting might imply the unwelcome potential for larger annual budget shifts in priority than might be derived from the traditional line-item budget process .
16 Stool volume and frequency ( Table VI ) increased after all doses of cholera toxin to a higher degree than might be expectred after intestinal perfusion studies using balanced electrolyte solutions .
17 But the numbers deciding in favour of contraception are far fewer than might be predicted from a simple comparison of relative death risks .
18 The Report , however , suggests that ‘ There were grounds for thinking that in some cases detective officers were interpreting the law in a stricter fashion than might be required by a court of law . ’
19 The courts have gone further than might be suggested by this statement .
20 Measures like this gave the colonies a secure market and also provided larger supplies of tropical goods than could be consumed in England , so that English merchants could develop their re-export trade with the rest of the world .
21 Blake also realised that , although horses have an extensive body language as well , there was still a much greater degree of communication between horses , and between himself and horses , than could be explained by sounds and signs .
22 Hatton , Monk and Nelson were acquitted on of conspiring to defraud Liverpool city council between November 1986 and February 1987 over land leased to Monk as a car park in Manesty 's Lane , Liverpool , allegedly at a value less than could be raised on the open market , without proper competition .
23 Therefore on these occasions you must frame in your mind the idea of some comely youth who pleases you best , whose shadow will create a greater lust than could be raised by a nauseous though real enjoyment .
24 The use of simulation allows the observation of many possible stream patterns , far more than could be observed in the real world .
25 It serves to emphasize that an STV constituency would include many distinct and disparate localities — more in Britain than in Ireland , and far more than could be covered by parties in the thorough Irish style .
26 The may maybe I just comment on that that last that last point , which as I understand it it the the justification for a new settlement is brought about solely by increasing the requirement for Greater York to twelve thousand seven hundred , going through those figures there seems to me , for instance , for both Ryedale and Selby to be more provision than could be met in a single settlement , I I think the the figures put forward by Barton Willmore are more than can be met in existing allocations and a single new settlement of a reasonable size .
27 Second , the discovery of mineral resources and the consequent development of metallurgical industries in Transbaikal and the Altai demanded more manpower than could be met from the local populations , and hence acted as a loadstone for the attraction of the necessary personnel to work them , in the form of both voluntary and forced labour .
28 In Scotland and Wales public pressure developed for more independence than could be gained from decentralized administration .
29 Li Yuan studied them a moment , trying to get the key to their relationship — something more than could be gained from the summaries in the file — then returned to the desk and sat , leaving them standing .
30 This was far more than could be justified in the straitened circumstances of the time ( and indeed it would have produced a large margin of spare capacity on the actual early 1950s peak demand ) .
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