Example sentences of "[subord] [conj] he [vb -s] it " in BNC.

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1 The slave will not work unless he is made , and therefore he does little ; he is no better , or little better , if he does his work well than if he does it ill , and therefore he rarely cares to do it very well .
2 Such a word may be useful to a literary man but it throws little light on Green 's intentions except when he uses it in a negative sense ; in one chapter he states a subject was ‘ unpicturesque and consequently not worth an artists attention ’ .
3 The geneticist 's language is no more nor less metaphorical when he calls the gene selfish than when he depicts it as though itself working out the solutions in games theory by which he is explaining its survival .
4 He always puts his foot in it and tends to cause more confusion when he opens his mouth than when he keeps it shut .
5 Cos once he drops it .
6 Well the farmers for the last couple of years have been arguing that they want this green rate devalued er to try and bring it line more with the market rate er and what this would do would er increase our guaranteed prices in this country and in fact on Friday this happened er the green rate was devalued by 60%. er and so I 've done a few calculations er and for the farmers that are listening and er may understand this er if he was selling his grain in November 89 he would be getting about £99 a ton , whilst if he sells it in November this year he 'll be getting £110 a ton .
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